Chapter 22

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S. A. A

I followed the sounds of the screams and stilled when I realised where I had found myself.

Faridha's house

I ran now, without thought, to the entrance. Coughing at the smoke that emanated, I walked in, shocked at the flames that were slowly crawling up the walls. I heard the scream again and moved in further to see a man stood over Faridha and Khalid as they hugged tightly, weeping to themselves. He pried them apart and threw Khalid near the entrance. I ran towards him then, holding him tightly. He struggled for a while until realising who it was and hugging back. I made way to bring him to the exit, but a Chigaru grabbed my hair from the back and I winced in pain. He pulled the sword out of my hand without struggle.

"Look what we have here, Jabari! A puny bitch!" He sneered out and the man stood in front of Faridha turned and gave me a glare. I looked back with the same intensity before turning to Faridha who looked at me with those warm loving eyes. My grip on Khalid's shoulders tightened at the intensity of her gaze.

"We'll be alright." I said, tears seeping out my eyes and Faridha smiled at my words before looking to Khalid who was digging his nails into my dress. I didn't care for the pain that it elicited for it couldn't have felt more than the pain I was feeling when looking at Faridha. She looked back at me and I let out a whimper. 'Jabari' laughed at this before bringing his sword up. I struggled in the other man's hold and he pulled my hair harder.

"I said, we'll be fine, Khala." I let out again more anxiously and she smiled more warmly than before and I felt the growing urge to feel her hug again.

"Take care of Babu for me." She said softly and I screamed, covering Khalid's eyes when the man in front of her buried the sword deep into her chest. The sound of her dropping to the ground made me want to vomit and I thrust forward with all my strength, falling to the floor with Khalid. I scrambled towards Faridha and the Chigaru laughed at this, letting me. For they knew, I couldn't do anything else.

Her eyes were open and I lay against her chest, her blood bathing my face. I held Khalid close to me. I could hear her wheezed breathing and I knew that she was struggling to breathe. This made me cry harder and I looked up holding her cold face in my hands. She looked at me with vacant eyes. I cried as I spoke.

"I lied. I'm Hanna Aset. I'm... I'm the prophecy." I whispered tearfully and, for a second, I saw her eyes gleam with something more before her face became heavy in my hands and her eyes glazed over.

I let out stuttered sobs before holding Khalid tightly to me and looked up with angry eyes. This only made the Chigaru raise an eyebrow. He used his sword to flick my hair back before drawing the sword gently down my body.

"This one's pretty, don't you think?" He murmured and I moved back in disgust, glaring at him through misty eyes.

Suddenly, I was pulled up again by my hair and I screamed in pain.

"You can have me; just let him go." I said through clenched teeth and the Chigaru laughed, looking at each other.

"Do you think you have a choice, girl? We can kill you both." He exclaimed and Khalid whimpered at his words. I felt my blood boil at his words and kicked him in the groin to which he buckled over. I grabbed Khalid again before running for the exit and running out. He cried loudly in my arms and I cried for his loss, remembering when I had picked him up like this a previous time, to take him to his mother. Only now, I was taking him away.

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