Chapter 50

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"Hanna! Ayla! Get up!"

I opened my eyes to Maya hovering over me and let out a startled noise. Maya rolled her eyes at this before reaching forward and flicking Ayla's forehead, making her whimper.

I let out a giggle at this, sitting up slightly before tapping Ayla's shoulder to which she opened her eyes tiredly.

"We're here." Maya said before exiting the carriage where I could hear the boys outside.

"Do they ever rest?" I muttered the question and Ayla let out a noise of agreement.

"They're like machines." She added and I stood up, exiting the carriage. Ayla followed suit and I squinted against the sun as I looked to the surroundings.

There was a cream coloured building with palm trees towering out the side. It was a one-floor building, which stretched more horizontally than it did vertically.

"Let's grab our bags." Ayla spoke and I nodded distractedly as I looked around. With a final look, I moved towards Ayla who was trying to reach our bags from the top of the carriage, jumping on the spot. I let out a laugh at the sight as did Emut.

"Need help?" He teased to which Ayla let out an incoherent grumble before nodding. He smiled at this before moving forward and reaching up, causing his top to ride up, showing his tanned stomach.

"This one yours?" He asked, pulling at a black bag and Ayla nodded her head.

"That's Hanna's." She said, gesturing to me and I reached out my hands as he passed it to me, making sure to thank him.

"The green one's mine." Ayla pointed to the one on the far right and Emut picked it up effortlessly before passing it into her hands and making his way over to the entrance.

We followed suit, with our bags in tow and waited as Emut knocked against the iron gate. After what seemed like a decade, the door was opened by a mousey man, speaking a foreign tongue.

Emut responded back to him in the same language and I stood intrigued, watching the impressive display. The man then moved from the door to allow us entry.

I looked around as we entered at the large bare courtyard, one that was considerably bigger than the one at home. There were no plants or crops, save for the palm trees at the side and the whole ground was hardened sand. The house itself had one big entrance, with steps that lead up to it.

"It is wonderful to see you again, students."

I swivelled at the sound to see a tanned man stood at the top of the stairs as he looked to us. His black hair was cut close to his scalp and he was sporting a black moustache. He wore a robe of some sort, with a large cloth belt over it. His brown eyes scoured across to gaze at the 6 of us and I fiddled with my hands nervously.

"As well as some new faces." He continued sternly when his eyes landed on me and I did my best to give him a smile, but at best, it probably looked forced.

Emut stepped forward first and I watched as he bowed slightly before speaking.

"Ustaaz, Negus may have notified you of our arrival." He said, his eyes looking to Bomani to which Bomani nodded slightly before descending the stairs. The sound of his shoes echoed against the courtyard.

"He did, but the details, I have not yet been told. Emut, come with me to my study and we will discuss this further." He instructed and Emut nodded. Bomani then turned to look to the rest of us, a firm non-expressive look on his face.

"The rest of you will have 10 minutes to place your things in the storage room and also to recuperate from the journey. Abasi will show you where it is. When these 10 minutes are complete, meet back here, ready for your training." He finished, flapping his hand towards the mousey male who was apparently called Abasi. He then proceeded to begin walking off without another word and Emut followed after him.

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