Chapter 32

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S. A. A


I looked to the ceiling, dazed and confused. Only it wasn't the usual one I was familiar to. It was more shabby in comparison and I sat up, shocked to find myself in my old room; chained to the bed post. I pulled hard at it.




But, it wouldn't move and I looked around, confused. How did I get back here? Chained to the bed, no less? Everything was fuzzy; I couldn't even remember where I had been last and then I heard the thumping of footsteps as someone ran almost violently up them.

I pulled harder at the chain and this made them only increase in speed as if they knew I was trying to escape. I whimpered at this, pulling as hard as I could, but it wasn't moving and i stilled at the sound of footsteps pounded against the hallway floor, towards my room. What was more was that the sound of the footsteps sounded as though they were on all 4s and this made me pull on the chain continuously.

I stopped when the pounding of footsteps stopped, listening intently. Then, the doorknob turned slowly and I held a breath as it creaked open slowly.

But nothing entered, so I continued pulling at the chain and then, it happened, and I let out a loud scream as a ratty corpse fell hard to the ground, turning to shattered dust.

I sat up rigidly, my breathing rapid and I snapped my head around, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I could see both Ayla on my left and Maya on my right and I sighed in relief.

It had only been a dream.

Still, I felt wide awake now and I edged off the bed slowly, feeling the need to get some fresh air to calm myself.

Walking through the hallway was slightly eerie and I took in deep breaths to stop from the dark thoughts that were popping into my mind. Yet, when I could find no solace, I hurried my steps to the terrace, thankful when the moon was bright enough to dispel the dark away.

I let out a small noise of surpise when I looked and saw Demir lying down, again, on the ledge of the terrace. I frowned at this; it must have been around 3am now and yet he was here, still. I moved in quietly, my head still slightly fixated on the haunting nightmare.

"What are you doing awake? It's late." I asked in a quiet whisper, watching as he turned to me, a blank look on his face.

"Perhaps, I'm trying to get away from you." He said, his words harsh, but his tone was playful and I rolled my eyes at his words, leaning my hands against the ledge.

"I didn't know my presence had that much of an effect on you." I remarked thoughtfully before pulling myself up and seating myself on the ledge. I marvelled at the view from my standpoint, soaking in the air that hit my face. Demir regarded me then before closing his eyes again as he lay down.

"Get off the ledge, Hanna, it's not safe" He commanded and I rolled my eyes at his words, flicking my hair behind my back.

"Worried I'll fall? You care too much, Demir." I mockingly admonished him to which he scoffed, placing an arm under his head.

"I'm not worried you'll fall; I know you'll fall and I'm in no mood to play hero today, so get off." He retorted, looking to the night sky. I huffed at his response, choosing to stay where I was.

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