Chapter 31

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S. A. A


The heat was the first thing that hit me when I entered. The next was the familiar and stuffy smell of metal that filled the small room and each shelf. The last thing I noticed was the small table in the corner where Abrax was sat, sharpening each weapon.

I made my way over to him, waving when he looked to me with a smile.

"Do you mind if I have a seat?" I questioned politely and Abrax's smile deepened as he shook his head.

"Not at all, I could use the company." He responded to which I sat down on the chair beside him and copied his actions of sharpening the weapons. He smiled at this, but stayed silent as he continued on with his work.

I watched carefully, smiling at how nimble his hands were working despite the fact that his ability was the opposite of gentle.

"You really do this every day, huh?" I asked, amazed at his tenacity as my wrists were already starting to ache slightly. He chuckled at my words, nodding.

"Yes, I find I quite enjoy it." He answered jovially and my eyebrows furrowed at his words.

"You really enjoy it?" I asked, finally believing Ayla when she said that he focused mostly on his work. He nodded at my words before grabbing another weapon from the shelf.

"Yes, I guess it reminds me of the job I had before I came here." He said, looking out the window and I nodded, processing his words with a smile.

"Full circle then, you sharpened knives at work?" I asked and Abrax shook his head, now grinning as he looked to the blue sky outside.

"Not quite; I polished shoes. You'll find that the movement you do for both is very similar." He jested slightly and I nodded at his words. He had sounded almost upset and I let out a small noise of agreement.

"Which province were you a part of?" I asked in a bid to change the subject and I watched as Abrax notably bristled, looking down to his hands. I followed his gaze as he stared at his palms. He finally chose to speak and I leaned back in the chair as I listened.

"I was from a very different place than the others, Hanna. I came from the west." He explained and my eyebrows furrowed at his words, but I didn't stop him as he recalled the events.

"Their... practices are very different to here, particularly with people like me." He ground out and I frowned at his words, confused by his ambiguous wording.

"Like you? Meaning?" I questioned to which he smiled, looking back down at his hands.

"A very hard concept to explain to someone who doesn't notably see my colour as an issue." He remarked and I joined the dots together, my mouth opening in shock.

"Abrax- I" he interrupted me as I spoke with a wave of his hand as he continued with his work.

"I don't harbour any negative feelings about it anymore, Hanna. I was made to hide my powers for a long time because I wasn't deemed worthy of them, but Negus and the others still found me. And, that's it, I found my actual home." He consoled me more than I did him and I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. This is why he had come later than the others because his abilities were hidden. They had did that to him.

"I wish you had used your power against them." I grit out honestly to which Abrax smiled at my words.

"And how would that make me any better than them?" He retorted simply and I felt completely baffled by his kindness. Perhaps, it could be something I could learn from.

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