Chapter 14

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^Faridha's house shown above.

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The meal had ended shortly after it began. I was satiated and so was Ayla, given the way she was patting her stomach happily. The boys had already left the table to continue to work, so it was only the two of us seated on the table.

"We better get going then, Hanna, there's still a lot of work pending." She said with a yawn. I reached out my hand and she helped me up with a smile before leading us out of the dining hall. The heat that hit us so suddenly was dense and I brushed my hair to the side to let air touch my neck. Ayla laughed at my plight and I kicked her softly in response.

"Hanna! How were the lentils?" I heard the warm voice before I saw her and turned with a smile.

"Really good, Khala, I ate a whole bowl full." I said honestly and Ayla nodded in agreement.

Faridha smiled at this before ushering me over.

"Good. In return, ya danaaya, you can help me with what I need to do." She said playfully, pulling me along.

"Go, I'll see you when we finish." Ayla said, giving me a wave and I waved back before following along.

We weaved past the crowded centre and through the houses. She kept a soft grip on my arm so as to not lose me and, for that, I was grateful.

After a few minutes, we reached a small house about the size of a garage and Faridha ushered me in with a bashful look on her face.

"It's not much, but you're welcome anytime." She said sweetly and I nodded at her words, draping an arm on her shoulder.

"It's perfect."

I looked around the one-room house. On the floor, was a large reed mat, with a wooden bed and 2 chairs on the other side. There was a small kitchen set up opposite the reed mat.

"There, on the mat, Hanna. I need help with sewing some of the festival clothes. My hands aren't as steady as they used to be. Can you sew?" She questioned to which I nodded before seating myself on the mat near the silk and linen materials. Faridha handed me a ceramic needle with an eye at both ends and I surveyed it curiously. She then proceeded to pass me some thread. Shortly, after a few instructions, I was well on my way into sewing the first top when Khalid came in.

"Hello, Babu." I said with a smile, although I was unsure if he understood me or not. Nevertheless, he smiled at my words before seating himself next to me and playing with the bone sticks he had in his hand.

"I'll add some honey to it too, okay." Faridha called from where she was sat near the kitchen set up. She had offered to make me some sort of hot drink that I couldn't quite remember the name of.

"I love honey." I said simply, but kept my gaze on the task at hand. Faridha came over with 2 cups before bringing one to my lips as both of my hands were occupied.

"It's best to drink while it's hot." She murmured and suddenly, I wasn't quite there anymore, but far deep into the memories of 8 months ago.

I looked on at Zug Zug lapping up his water before turning my gaze back to the dress that I was sewing.

"Don't drink too fast, you'll get hiccups again." I said absent-mindedly from my position on the green arm chair in the living room. I shifted my wrist slightly to ease the tension that was slowly beginning to build up.

I turned my gaze back to the clock to see it was 3.38pm, meaning only less than an hour left until my afternoon shift at the cafe. If I didn't finish soon, I would be late and Steve would find another reason to deduct my pay. Likewise, if I didn't finish sewing Sierra's dress, I wouldn't hear the end of it from Debra.

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