Chapter 21

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S. A. A


We made our way through the people and they pulled us to them, joining us in their dance. The atmosphere was hot due to the many bodies stood close together and I briefly wondered if this was what it was like to attend the university parties that all the students talked about so often. Ayla tightened her hold on my hand as I dipped my head back and relished in the feeling of carelessness, my eyes closed as I swayed to the music.

I tried to keep my eyes on Ayla, but in the haze of it all, we were torn apart and suddenly, I was in the arms of a masked stranger. The music pulsed on as I stared silently.

"You have an affinity for falling into my arms, it seems." He joked and the sound of his voice, coupled with those hazel eyes, I knew who it was.

"Emut." I murmured, gazing down at his attire. He wore a sheer red mesh tank top, that was lined by a large gold U-shaped usekh collar. On his upper arms, he donned a large gold cuff as well as on the bottom cuff of his three-quarter pants. Markings of patterns were made in black ink on his cheeks. He wore a gold mask on his face over his eyes, but it failed to conceal his eyes that shone like embers of a fire.

He smiled at the fact that I recognised him before gazing down at my attire.

"You look..." He said slowly.

"Good? Ayla's beat you to it." I snipped back jokingly and Emut laughed.

"I was going to say 'beautiful', but 'good' works too." He mused and I blushed at his words, not used to being complimented, especially by a male.

I cleared my throat and gestured around us to the dancing crowd.

"Well, it seems strange to be stood still when perched in a dancing crowd." I commented jokingly in a bid to change the subject.

Emut glanced around before turning to me, an eyebrow raised.

"Then let's stop standing still." He said simply and I smiled at his words.

He kept a respectable distance between us, I noticed, before reaching his hand out and putting his palm against mine. His hand was significantly larger and I could feel the roughness of his hand, a show of how hard he works.

We circled each other, like during sword training, but different. He smiled slightly as we moved, using his other hand to motion between the two of us.

"I just realised we're matching." He said with an airy laugh. I looked down to find we were both wearing a form of red before laughing.

"Oh? It seems so. Although, I do think I wear it better." I joked, using my hand to flick my hair over my shoulder. Emut raised his eyebrow again, before clasping my hand in his own and twirling me slowly.

"It also seems fitting that the colour of red denotes arrogance." He slipped back and I turned back to face him, a curious look on my face.

"It denotes to love as well, but also anger. Why do you think that is?" I asked absent-mindedly, gasping out of shock when Emut dipped me, his hand on the nape of my neck and one clasped around my wrist.

"Because you can't have one without the other." He said simply, holding me effortlessly. I smiled at his jab.

"I think the same goes with you and Demir." I retaliated with a small laugh and Emut lifted me back up before placing his palm against mine yet again.

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