Chapter 35

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I crept hurriedly through the dark courtyard, looking around tepidly to make sure no one was present. Unlike the other night, I didn't have Emut's help, so opening the door took a while. But, at long last, it creaked open a few inches and I edged through the small gap as it slammed shut behind me.

I already felt out of breath by that action alone and I cursed internally at my lack of fitness skills. Still, I knew that I had to hurry before someone noticed me missing, so I jogged up towards the direction Emut had taken me- the place he would go to be alone. I had remembered the route from when we were walking back and my feet moved on their own accord. The night was silent, save for the soft crunch of my steps in the sand and the crickets chirping in the darkness.

It was moments such as these that I was thankful for the bright light that emanated from the moon as it shone down, basking every tree in its ethereal glow as I stepped into the oasis. Each step was more familiar than the one before and I sighed in relief when I felt myself getting closer.

It was only when I heard voices that I slowed my footsteps to a creep, ducking as I moved to see the place where Emut had brought me. I peered in from behind the trunk, looking on at the sight of Emut sitting near the bank of the small blue lake.

"He said it was the right time to relieve himself of his duties and give them to me." I heard Emut speak up as he sat on the grass, pulling on it as he had done before when with me. He looked down, a tense look on his face.

I turned my gaze when I heard a small sound, looking to Demir who was leaning against a tree, his glaive in hand as he stared at the blue water impassively.

"You act as though it wouldn't have happened eventually. He's not exactly a man in his youth." Demir spoke, lifting his head, his eyes mirrored the reflection of the luminous blue water.

Emut sighed at this before leaning back, making his biceps flex with the action.

"I had known it would happen eventually, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't feel ready." He said honestly and I let out a sad sigh at his words, remembering how during each plan he would allow Negus to have the final word.

Demir let out a small scoff, stroking through the water with the point of his glaive absent-mindedly, making ripples form in spheres.

"What better time to be ready than now when the prophecy has arrived? I've seen you in action; you're as every bit a leader as we had all hoped for." He muttered out and I felt myself stiffen at the mention of me, listening intently for Emut's next words. Instead, Demir chose to continue, moving closer to Emut and crouching next to his form. His soul-searching gaze was palpable, even from a distance.

"Unless, you're uncertain." Demir finished, his blank gaze roaming Emut's face and I watched as Emut looked up at Demir's words, staring long and hard before running a hand through his hair. He let out another sigh then before leaning forward.

"It's different- to be a soldier laying your life down for what you believe in to then being a leader that holds the fate of each soldier's life in their words. How do I guarantee that nobody else gets hurt?" He said, in a defeated tone, his eyes a dull hazel. I watched as Demir scoffed, his bitter gaze on Emut.

"That's your only fault- allowing yourself to be held responsible for the deplorable actions of others." He almost spat out and Emut shook his head, opening his mouth to speak, but Demir continued, his stormy gaze set firm on Emut.

"And as for your guarantee, there is no one else I would voluntarily follow behind into battle. I only do so because I believe you capable." He finished and I watched as Emut looked up, a smile making its way to his face.

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