Chapter 78

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The villagers ushered us over to where there was a large reed mat drawn across the centre. It stretched from one end to the other and everyone was sat on it eating. 

"Come, girls! You both need some meat on your bones!" An elderly woman said as she ushered us to the mat and I let out a giggle at her words, even more so as we sat next to Maya and Arun, with Demir, Abrax and Emut opposite us. I nearly salivated at the aroma of the food and the different dishes scattered across the mats in front of us. Ayla squeezed in next to me, her wary eyes on Abrax, but he was engrossed in conversation with the boys, not even sparing her a glance.

I held her hand in comfort, but she still looked downcast. In panic, I turned to Maya for her help, but only saw her and Arun fighting over a turkey leg, both pulling before she delivered a swift kick to his ribs and turned to me with a triumphant smile, biting through the turkey leg.

Never mind.


"No, you must have more! I insist!" The female server ushered a tray in my direction, but I shook my head politely, feeling as though my stomach was about to explode with fullness.

"It tasted delicious, but I'm full." I responded kindly, but she was having none of it, continuing to shove the tray in my face. I looked up to Emut, clearing my throat and he looked to me with a questioning look as I gestured to the female. Emut looked in her direction before realisation dawned on him and he smiled. This only made me glare and he shook his head with a laugh before turning to the woman.

"Ukhta, I think she's had enough pheasant now." His voice was gentle but firm, not holding the mirth or warmth it held when he spoke to me. Nonetheless, it seemed to warm the server who looked to him with a faltering blush and nodded meekly. Emut turned to me then, his smile widening in ways that made me feel hotter.

"She hasn't, however, had enough fish." He continued, a ghost of a smile on his face as she nodded eagerly, reaching for the fish tray. I gaped at his words, narrowing my eyes at him as she turned to shove the new tray in my face. He merely ran a hand through his hair, his gaze amused.

"Well, try some fish!" The server spoke suddenly, making me snap my gaze towards her. I looked around for another form of salvation, letting out a sigh of relief when Ayla complained that the juice jug was empty.

"I'll get the juice this time!" I rushed out eagerly, taking hold of the jug and standing up. Sending an apologetic look to the server, I gave my best smug smile to Emut who merely laughed at my actions. WIth this, I made my way to the kitchen where all the spare food and drinks were. It was the community kitchen where all the cooking was done for the festivals. I had once been here before. but I chose to ignore the memory as I waded towards it.

The hubbub of the feast died down as I walked further away until I reached the kitchen. The atmosphere in the kitchen was notably hotter than outside, seeing this is where they cooked the food in such a small area.

There was a small island in the middle of the kitchen which had different jugs on it and I made my way over to it, placing the empty jug down and looking for the one Ayla had preferred- cranberry juice.

"You know, you make it too easy to get to you."

I turned swiftly at the sudden intrusion of silence, my pattering heart calming slightly when I saw Demir moving in. It only calmed slightly, but the smirk on his face was enough to increase my anxiety and I took a small step back as he approached the kitchen island.

"If I'm too easy then I suggest you find a more challenging opponent." I edged out, my voice sounding meek and Demir raised an eyebrow at my words. He approached around the island and I moved to the opposite side, so he was still away from me. His lips quirked up at this before he shrugged, his eyes glowing an effervescent grey in the darkness of the kitchen.

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