Chapter 81

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I traced my fingers along the gold satin of my dress, my gaze on myself through the mirror in front of me. I had become more accustomed to the makeup application and had done it without Ayla's help this time. My eyes were lined with top kohl, with my lips and cheeks tinted a faint red.

The dress, on the other hand, was all Ayla's doing. She had given it to me from her own wardrobe, seeing as I did not have much clothes to work with.

It was now the third day of the festival- the birth of Set and gold clothes were worn to represent his fiery temper. I looked up with a smile when I heard the sound of Ayla at the doorway, her golden dress fluttering as she walked near. Raising an eyebrow, I turned to look at her fully.

"My my, someone looks very beautiful." I praised to which Ayla moved closer, nudging my arm.

"And that someone is you." She finished teasingly and I let out a small laugh before shaking my head and looking to her outfit. She was wearing a gold satin dress, with her hair half pinned back and peach flowers resting in her hair.

"And, I'm sure the flower colour has nothing to do with Abrax saying he likes you in peach?" I teased to which Ayla held to me, a giddy smile on her face.

"Why? Do you think he won't like it? Am I overdoing the colour?" She urged out worriedly and I shook my head with a small frown.

"Ayla, you look absolutely gorgeous in everything you wear, don't be silly and overthink." I reprimanded, nudging her to which she smiled, rolling her eyes. We made our way out of the door as she spoke.

"Well, easy for you to say, Hanna. You're so gorgeous, you could wear rags and still look like a goddess." She said fondly and I blushed at her words.

"That's a bit of a reach." I muttered bashfully as we made our way down the stairs and Ayla giggled, shaking her head.

"You're just too modest. I bet you, the village boys are going to fawn over you." She said dramatically, pretending to swoon and I laughed before turning and stilling as Maya came into sight.

Wearing a gold satin mid-length dress.

Her hair was half pinned back and she wasn't wearing any jewellery, but she was glowing so much so that I couldn't stop the huge smile that made its way to my face. She neared us then, gesturing to Ayla with a hand.

"Are you gonna stand there, looking like a floundering fish or will you take us there?" She said snarkily, but it was drowned out by my squeals.

"You look amazing!" I said in awe to which she rolled her eyes, but a smile made its way to her face.

"As always." She pointed out and I nodded at her words to which Ayla huffed.

"I beg to differ- adorning yourself in satin is a way to accentuate our beauty." She replied and before Maya could open her mouth to argue, I butt in.

"Well, we should be going, the boys probably left ages ago." I voiced out and Ayla nodded enthusiastically, the thought of getting to the celebration, making her giddy yet again.

"Yes, but not for the boys, for the food." Maya chimed in, but Ayla had already grabbed our hands before warping us.

I let my mind come back to the present when I heard jaunty music along with loud cheering and laughter. Smiling as we walked to the centre, I let out a small sound of surprise at the amount of people gathered there. They all looked to us with smiles, some even holding our hands thankfully as we passed. I couldn't understand anything they were saying as we walked through, so I just continued to smile.

My smile widened when the crowd parted and I could see Emut exiting out from one of the small tents set up at the sides. This was the first time I had seen him since the first day of the festival and he was most definitely a sight for sore eyes. He was wearing a gold usekh yet again, but this time with a sheer gold tank top and shorts. His chocolate hair was brushed back as usual, save for a few stray tendrils that touched his forehead. He turned his gaze then to look at me, a smile making way to his face as he regarded me slowly, making his smile widen.

Her Dawning Empire: The ProphecyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant