Chapter 64

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Ayla whined as I shook her arm.

"5 more minutes!" She crooned and I let out a giggle as she dug herself further into the bed.

"No, Ayla, it's been 2 hours. Is this how we spend our day off?" I asked poignantly, folding my arms and Ayla let out a deep sigh before sitting up, her eyes still closed.

"I hate you." She muttered groggily before placing her shoes on and stalking tiredly towards the bathroom. I merely rolled my eyes at her antics.

We had gotten back from the sea caves and had showed Bomani what we had found. He took one look at the key and then our disheveled sweaty forms before cracking a small smile and giving us the day off. Ayla and I had both let out a sigh of relief at this, seeing we hadn't slept properly for two days, our eyes burning.

After showering, we lay down to get a small nap, but not before promising we'd make use of the first day that we had off. Everyday consisted of the same schedule- breakfast; ability training; combat training; dinner and then bed. Of course, it wasn't the worst and I revelled in everyone's company. Nevertheless, my body needed the break and I looked forward to enjoying the day.

"What are you wearing?" I turned at the voice as Maya reached, a frown on her face and I rolled my eyes at her expression. Ayla had become excited on the prospect of having a day off and not wearing clothes fit for training, but rather 'fit for a lady', as she had put it.

I looked down to my attire that Ayla had sewed for me back when we were home. A sleeveless, white floral silk dress that reached mid-shin and a straw sun hat that shaded me from the scorching sun. I left my hair open, cascading in dark waves down my back.

"What? You don't like it?" I asked, a knowing smile on my face as Maya snorted. She was still wearing her combat clothes- a sleeveless buttoned-up safari jacket and shorts.

"I know, Ayla is behind this." She muttered, not answering the question and lo and behold, that was when Ayla entered, wearing her own dress- a black floral silk sleeveless dress and a straw sun hat as well. Her blonde hair was plaited to the side as she neared and I smiled in awe.

"You look so good." I cheesed to which Maya turned to look at her and rolled her eyes.

"Not as good as you. How do you do it?" Ayla praised, nearing and then her gaze fell to Maya's attire with a grimace.

"Could you dress like a lady for at least today?" She asked, folding her arms bossily and Maya huffed, flicking her scarlet hair behind her shoulders.

"I don't need to change my clothes to validate my gender." She said briskly and I laughed as Ayla scowled before stalking away, saying something about 'grabbing something to eat'.

I nudged Maya when she left playfully.

"Look what you did, she's gone." I accused teasingly and Maya smiled, her green eyes flickering.

"I'll do it again, if it ensures her exit." She mumbled, looking to Abrax as he neared with a smile and a bottle of water in hand.

"Whose exit?" He questioned and I smiled teasingly.

"Well, Ayla, of course." I said simply, searching his face and watching as he looked around for her, but said nothing. He turned back then, gesturing to my attire with a sweet smile, a dimple forming on his cheek.

"You look very lovely today, Hanna." He praised and I giggled bashfully.

"Thank you, Ayla made it. We thought to make use of the day off." I explained and he nodded in understanding.

"Who knows when we'll have another day off." He added firmly and I frowned at this, looking to the both of them as I spoke.

"Yeah, about that. If we truly are pressed for time, why not go now and get the key?" I asked and Maya brooded slightly as Abrax ran a hand across the nape of his neck.

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