Vampire (the killer in disguise)

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Request by (Mandykinz2001)

After another body was found A woman this time it was same as the rest the body drained of blood the people of the the little town had started moving out of it or had been locking up the shops and streets early hopefully not being the next victim of the attack as you and another officer had been Assigned to work together you had both found a clue but it was just another dead end.

As you were still in the woods you were still looking for evidence when you see a shadow you jumped behind the tree with your gun ready to shoot.

"FREEZE HANDS IN THE AIR" you shout as you saw a man with a woman's body in his arms as you were about to call the Station your partner appeared
And puts him in handcuffs

"Don't worry I'll take care of this one you ring backup." You nodded and phoned them tell them you think you found the murder.

As the small town had started getting back to normal you phone had rang. You picked it up and answered it.

"The criminal is dead the same way as the rest blood lost" you boss explained to you. You ran in your car rushing to the Station In a hurry as you started to go in deep thought.

Why would.... Was it possibly no your partner would omg he is the killer....

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