Female Wendigo x male wendigo (the female baby maker) part 2

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As it been a week since you had let the males in the colony. The males were very strong as they brought many deer and warthogs back from the hunt one even brought a bear back which proved a males strength.

As your youngest was starting to walk wendigo children aged very quickly and near cried incase of predators that were nearby. Wendigos children aged normal at 10 years old as they started to learn how to Control there in a beast.

The males were really good at taking care of the nest and the children the oldest male jasper was always outside on patrol as his brothers were trying to get affection from you are trying to see if you were on heat which was a long time from now. You didn't name your daughters until they were sexually mature which was 16. In wendigos tradition many parents never named their children until they were adults. As many children died young there was no point in giving the child a name. It had gone for centuries.

The nagas were different they were very strong and very dangerous Many children would fall into their traps and be eaten by nightfall. Or many males would take them as a threat thinking they were after they're females and would kill them on site. The girls were different but many females would see them a threat for their males.

You were hoping your colony was going to Thrive like your mother is did when your were 16 you were kicked out of the nest your Father was a male wendigo who had raised you to be a fighter but your mother knew you didn't need to fight you had to breed to keep the species going. Your mother had many children by all different wendigo and human men.

As you got to 16 the males in the colony Could smell you and tried to breed with you as you were a fret to your mother she had kicked you out to start your own colony the boys usually stayed with the colony until they found a female who needed them to breed.

This is what happened with jaspers family but his colony was weak as the female had passed and no children were made so this caused the males to not know what wendigo children looked like.

As your daughters accept the males into the fold you saw that the males were very eager to breed and produce more offspring. But as your daughter was only young you had to wait until your next heat which was in a month time. Jasper looked after his brothers but was very strict and his brothers knew he would be the first to breed with you.

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