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Ren's P.O.V

"Get the kitty" A little girl shouted as I tried running away from the flock of kids.

"Ren" I heard Kalvin shout my name.

I ran twords his voice but I couldn't see him because all of the kids. One of them got ahold of me and I hissed at them and scratched their cheek. I saw Kalvin and I quickly scattered up his pants making sure I don't scratch his leg. 

"Ren, holy shit are you okay" I put me in his arms and petted me. 

I looked over at the kids and hissed. 

"Hey, you kids" Kalvin walked up the them 

"Kitty" The same little girl said trying to touch me.

I hissed and tried scratching her but Kalvin pulled me away.

"Bad kitty" The girl cried. 

"Look, you can't do that to random animals, you scared my cat half to death, you know it's not true, cat's don't have nine lives" 

"I am so sorry, I left for one minute, is your cat okay?" A lady said coming up to us.

"Yes, he's fine" Kalvin smiled. Fine? It's not fine, I got attacked by three year olds. And it was not a minute, it was ten minutes, some gaurdian you are. I growled a bit and hid in Kalvin's arm.

"Kalvin are you home?" My foster mom asked as Kalvin opened the door.

My ear twitched and I lifted up my head waking up.

"Yeah, i'm home" Kalvin got some milk and put it a bowl and snuck upstairs.

He put me down and put the bowl down too. I walked over to the milk and sniffed it.

"Jeeze, aren't you supposed to still know what milk is or did your whole brain turn into a cats" Kalvin layed down

I hissed at him and started to drink the milk. I never had milk in my cat form and it taste way better than my normal form. 

I yawned and jumped onto the bed laying down on Kalvin's stomach.

"Ren, are you okay? You've been really quiet" My foster dad knocked.

"He's asleep dad" Kalvin said petting my head.

I purred and licked my paw and putting it trough my fur cleaning myself. 

"Okay, make sure he's up soon for game night" 

"I will" Kalvin chuckled looking at me with my tongue out.

I heard my foster dad walk away and I got off of Kalvin going back to my normal self. 

"Explain why you ran" Kalvin demanded

"I-I" I started stuttering and curled into a ball. "I was scared that you were going to hurt me" 

"I'm not a monster, I wouldn't hurt anyone or anything, clean up, we have game night soon"

"Kalvin, thanks for helping me back there, those kids were scary" 

"If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have found you, also, you look amazing in my hoodie" Kalvin kissed my head and left the room 

A blush went across my face and butterlies apeared in my stomach. I put on my beanie and went downstairs. 

"Ren, you're all red do you have a fever?" My foster mom asked coming up to me

I shook my head no and smiled at her. I went over to the living room and sat on the floor.

"Ren, you can sit on the couch" My foster dad said.

I shook my head no but I was pulled up by Kalvin. He put his arm around me and shoved chips in his mouth.

My foster parents chuckled and they pulled out a game of life. 

In the middle of the game of me beating everyone the doorbell rang making me jump a bit. 

"I'll get it" My foster dad said standing up.

I drank my soda and watched Kalvin spin the thing since it's his turn

"Ren, it's for you" My foster dad said walking in 

Behind him were a couple, my birth parents.

"It's been fun Ren but you have to go back with your birth parents" 

"Let's pack your stuff" My foster mom sighed getting up.

"Oh, no need, we actually bought him a lot of stuff after what we heard about the ones who adopted our little boy, you see, he ran away from us when he was around three but we couldn't find him anywhere" My birth mom said.

"Come on now Ren, come back to us" My birth father said. 

I held onto Kalvin's arm but he just shoved me off. 

"You could have fucking told me you were a run away, because some people in foster care like me have no parents who loved them" Kalvin yelled and went upstairs.

"Kalvin" My foster mom shouted going after him.

I stood up and walked over to my birth parents. I can't tell my foster ones what really happen or they'll call the police and they won't do anything like last time I called them. 

"Let's go" My birth dad shoved me out of the door.

"Ren, get me another fucking beer or i'll murder you" My father yelled at me.

"Yes sir" I quickly went to the kitchen and got him another beer.

"Take off that damn hat you unnatrual shit" My mom pulled off my hat showing my ears.

"God you're such a shit child, go to the cage" My father threw a beer bottle at me.

I ran down to the basement and went into the dog cage locking myself in. It's been a month since I was forced to go back. My stomach growled wanting food. I haven't eaten in a week. I went into my cat form and started meowing loudly.

"Shut the fuck up" My mom yelled from upstairs.

 I stopped meowing and looked around the room and saw that there was a window with bars over it. I think I can fit because of how much wight I lost from being starved. I have to wait till my parents go to bed. 

Okay, plan time, my parents are passed out drunk. I snuck out of my cage and opened the window. I saw the night sky and a nice breeze came in even tho it's cold down here. I turned into my cat form and got out of the house. Bye you abusive parents i'm going back to my foster home

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now