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Ren's P.O.V 

I ran to my foster house as quick as I could. As I got to the house I went around to the back where my old room is. I saw the light on and I meowed as loud as I could.

"Hey, shut the fuck, Ren?" Kalvin shouted opening the window. 

I jumped up to the window but I missed hitting my head on the wall passing out.

I woke up and opened my eyes, my face was in someone's chest. I sat up and saw Kalvin. 

"Kalvin?" I poked his cheek.

"Go back to sleep Ren" Kalvin groaned pulling me back down hugging me.

I turned into my cat form and sat on Kalvin's head.

"Ren what the hell" Kalvin picked me up putting me on a pillow. 

I meowed and licked his face as a kiss. 

"Let's get you a bath" Kalvin chuckled

Bath? No, I don't want a bath. I hissed and jumped up on the dresser.

"Oh come on Ren, you need one, and you need food, you look like shit" 

"Kalvin?" My foster mom knocked on the door. 

I saw the handle start turning and I turned back into my normal form and grabbed a random hat. 

"Who are you talking t- Ren?" My foster mom came up to me and hugged me crying 

"Mom they hurt me, they starved me and put me in a cage in the cold dirty basement" I cried hugging her back.

"How did you get out baby?" She asked wiping my tears away

"I snuck out in the middle of the night, they were passed out drunk" 

"Kalvin why didn't you tell me Ren was back?" 

"It was three in the morning when he got here, you would have just told me it was just a dream" Kalvin said going to the closet grabbing my clothes. 

"I'll make breakfast, get a shower Ren" My foster mom kissed my forehead. 

I nodded and smiled as she left Kalvin and I alone. Kalvin put my clothes on the bed and walked up to me and kissed my lips. My eyes widened not knowing what to do. I panicked and turned into a cat.

"Sorry Ren" Kalvin sighed looking down at his feet.

I turned back into my normal self and got off the dresser. I gave a quick kiss on Kalvin's lips smiling. "Bath?" 

Kalvin smiled and kissed me pulling my body close to his. I kissed back putting my hands around his neck.

"Ren" I heard my foster dad. 

Kalvin and I quickly pulled away and I was blushing like mad. "Hi dad" I smiled as he opened the door.

My foster dad came up to me and hugged me. "Are you okay?" 

"I am now, please never send me back to them" I hugged him back.

"We won't, I promise we won't" 

I smiled and watched Kalvin leave the room going to the bathroom starting my bath. 

"I hate baths" I grumbled taking my clothes off.

"Well you have to have one" Kalvin chuckled making sure the water is a good temperature.

"Why do you have to help? I can bathe myself" I huffed as my tail swished around.

"Because I have to keep an eye on you just incase something happens." Kalvin picked me up and set me in the tub.

I pulled my knees to my chest and put my chin on my knees. Kalvin chuckled and grabbed a plastic cup pouring water over my head. I grumbled and Kalvin started to pet my head making me purr. I blushed not knowing that I could purr in this form.

"You're too cute" Kalvin smiled pouring more water on my head.

A week has passed and I still live with my foster parents. My birth parents tried getting me back by getting the police involved but that backfired on them when there was sign of abuse of them. I'm home alone today so I decided to just stay in my cat form jumping on counters and furniture. Till I got tired and fell asleep on the couch.

"I thought you weren't allowed to have animals?" I heard a girls voice waking me up

"We're not, why do you say that?" Kalvin said. I opened my eyes and saw a girl with a really short skirt on and her boobs pretty much showing. She also has a pound of makeup on

"Because there's a cat on your couch" She sat by me and tried petting me.

I hissed at her and ran to Kalvin.

"Oh, right, this cat, he's not supposed to be here" Kalvin glared at me.

Does he not want me here? Did I do something wrong? I meowed and rubbed my head on his leg. Kalvin just pushed me lightly and went over to the girl.

"So, are we going to do this?" The girl asked leaning over to Kalvin putting her hand on his thigh.

I went up to them and jumped on Kalvin's lap hissing at the girl and I tried scratching her. 

"Ow" She pulled away.

"I'll put him in my room" Kalvin picked me up and took us upstairs to our room. "What the fuck Ren" 

I turned back into my normal form and sat on the bed my legs crossed. 

"You're ruining my date, I thought you were with mom and dad" 

"I wanted to stay home so I could be with you" I looked down so he wouldn't see me start to cry. 

"Stay up here and don't come down" Kalvin said walking out slamming the door. 

What happened to the Kalvin that I knew from last week? I want him back, I thought that I had feelings for him. 

I opened the window and turned into a cat running away. If he wants me gone then I'll leave, my foster parents don't even know that I'm a neko, and they have been working a lot because of me because they now have two kids. 

I saw a two women walking down the pavement so I ran up to them and followed them. I listened into their conversation and they're a couple thinking about having a kid. We ended up at a house and when the ginger girl was looking for her keys I meowed trying to get their attention.

"Awe it's a cat, can we keep him?" The girl with brown hair asked picking me up. 

"He's probably lost, so for the time being, why not" The red head said opening the door.

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now