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Ren's P.O.V

"Breathe Ren, you're okay" Alfie said holding my hand.

"One more time then you can take a minute break" Sir looked at me

"Ready to see them?" Deloris asked coming into the nursing room

I nodded crying still holding Alfie's hand. Deloris brought in mine and Alfie's twin girls.

"Sydney is the Red and Mckenzie is the yellow" She smiled handing me the twins.

"Smile" She said holding up a camera. Both Alfie and I smile. "One more picture" For this one Alfie and I kissed eachother.

Two months have passed and everything have been peaceful. Until I woke up to the front door being broken down. The twins woke up crying and everyone else woke up. Alfie and I took the twins trying to calm them down.

"Stay where you are" I heard a mans voice yell.

"Hide your ears and tails" I whispered yelled at everyone. We all hid our ears and tails and Alfie and I covered up the twins.

"Tell us where they are" The man yelled

"I-in there" I heard Sir's voice.

The door busted down and the lights turned on.

"Holy, We need back up" The man talked in his walkie talkie thing.

"Mommy what's happening" I heard one of the kids ask their mom.

Mckenzie started crying again and I quickly put in her pacifire. Alfie did the same thing before Sydney starts crying again.

"No, where is my boy" A women shouted. She walked in and she's.

"Mom" I cried running up to her.

"Ren, oh my god are you okay" My foster mom cried.

"I'm fine mom i'm okay"

Mckenzie's pacifire fell out and she started crying again.

"Shh shh it's okay Kenzie" I hushed her.

"Ren?" I heard Kalvins voice.

I saw him and he honestly looks horrible.

"Oh my fucking god" He came up to me and hugged me

"Hey, not infront of the kids" I smiled hugging him back.

"Who's this cutie" My foster mom asked

"Mom, this is uh" I looked over at Alfie and he came up to us. "Mom, I have to tell you something that I have been keeping a secret from you"

"What is it?" She asked worried. I handed Alfie Mckenzie and I pulled down my hood and took out my tail.

"Mom, i'm a neko" My tail went down between my legs and my ears flattened. "And eveyone here are also neko's"

"I know Ren" My mom smiled at me.


"I told mom and dad, i'm sorry Ren but that was the only way that I could think of so they wouldn't get the police." Kalvin said

"It's okay Kalvin" I hugged him.

"Hey hey hey, back off you're mine" Alfie chuckled pulling me back.

"Oh right, and these two, well they are mine and Alfie's children"

"I'm a grandma" She gasped "Can I hold them please"

I nodded and she took the twins tears in her eyes.

"Ein" I heard a mans voice

"Daddy" Ein ran and jumped into his father's arms.

"No, don't touch me, I swear it was for saftey" I heard Sir scream.

"Sir" I ran out of the room and saw two men trying to take him away "Wait"

The two men stopped and looked at me confused.

"He has to go to jail for his crimes" One of the men said.

"No, he didn't mean it to be a crime, he just wanted us to have a safe place"

"Ren, don't try to make them understand, they won't listen" Sir said

"Please, if he goes then what will happen to the ones who don't have a home to go to."

The two men looked at each other and they started walking outside with Sir again.

"Sir" I tried running to him but Alfie and Deloris held me back.

"Ren, calm down" Alfie said

"No, he's the only one who knows about my family" I cried

I got out of their arms and I ran outside to see him in the backseat of a car driving off. I fell to my knees and started crying.

"Ren, come on, get up" Kalvin came up to me and hugged me from behind.

"He was the only one who knew, I-I forgive him for everything that he did to me and my family" I touched my necklace that he gave to me and cried harder.

A month has passed and we kept the neko house so we can all still be together. I decided to keep it running so we can still have the town. Some of the nekos got a home but still come here to visit.

I chewed on my lip as I read though Sir's journal. He wrote down our behaviors and how we grow up. In his other journal it was about me and my family.

"Ren?" Chris knocked on the door coming in.

"Yeah?" I wiped my tears away and looked at him.

"Do you want cake it's one of the little girl's birthday"

"No thanks" I went back to reading the journal that Sir wrote about me.

"What's that?" Chris asked hugging me from behind.

"Sir's journal about me and my family"

"You still forgive him?"

I nodded and flipped the page to a picture of me in Sir's arms when I was first adopted. I smiled at the picture and I started crying again.

"Your foster mom said that you have to start going to school again tomorrow, I didn't tell Elise or Jackie about you being a neko, no one at the school knows except me, and Kalvin"

"I can't leave my twins" I looked up at him.

"I know, your mom said that she'll look after them"

"What about Alfie?"

"He's signed up for school now, so he'll be with you, your mom somehow convinced the school to let him be in the same classes as you"

"Are you upset with me?"

"No? Why would I be?"

"Because I'm engaged, we use to kind of have a thing"

"Ren, it's fine, I still have my boyfriend, I have two now actually and we love each other"

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