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Ren's P.O.V

"Both of you stop kissing you're ruining my lunch" Jackie said throwing a grape at Chris and I who have been kissing.

"You're just jealous" Chris smirked

"Just because Jackie and I broke up doesn't mean we still do stuff" Elise stuck her tongue out.

"Look, we aren't officially dating, we just made out yesterday" Chris chuckled "Right kitty?"

I choked on my food and glared at Chris.

"I won't tell" He whispered in my ear.

"Ren" Kalvin came up to us.

"Fuck off Kalvin, go be with your slutty girlfriend" I hissed

"No Ren, we need to talk now"

"Piss off, you don't care about how I feel, I fucked up because I didn't know your fear and you then just fucked a girl instead of talking"

Kalvin grabbed my beanie and yanked it off my head.

"Kalvin" I screamed at him. Chris quickly grabbed me and hid my ears from everyone.

"Will you now listen to me?" Kalvin glared

I shook my head and burried my head into Chris's chest crying.

"How about you listen, you have been a dick since sixth grade, you just go around and pick up chicks when things don't go how you want it, you made Ren run away twice because you were hooking up with girls, you never talked to him" Chris yelled at Kalvin

Kalvin threw my beanie back to me and chris put it on my head covering my ears. I kept crying not wanting to let go of him.

"Told you, complete dick" Jackie scoffed

"Woah wait, are we not going to talk about how Ren cussed, we've pressured him to do it but he kept saying no" Elise said

"I'm home" I shouted walking inside with Chris behind me.

I walked into the living room but no one was there. I checked the kitchen and still no one.

"I guess no one is home" I said grabbing some chips and sodas. "movie time"

"You're cute" Chris chuckled as I tried catching a fly in my cat form.

"Ren, Kalvin we're home" I heard my foster dad

I turned back and sat on the couch shoving chips in my mouth. "Hi mom, Hi dad, Kalvin is out with some girl"

"Again? I swear that boy needs to stop getting so mad" My foster mom came in seeing Chris and I.

"Oh, who's this?" She asked

"This is Chris, i'm sorry I should have told you that he was coming but it slipped my mind and I don't know how to contact you and I-"

"Ren, breathe, it's okay, you're allowed to have people over whenever, but no sleepovers on schoolnights"

"Thanks mom"

"And speaking of phones, we got you one" My foster dad said handing me a phone box.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much" I got up and hugged them tightly.

I opened my eyes and realize my head is on Chris's lap and he's petting me.

"What time is it" I asked sitting up.

"Nine thirty, I have to get home but I didn't want to wake you up because you were too damn cute" Chris kissed my lips quickly

I pouted and grabbed his head pulling him back in a kiss. Chris bit my bottom lip making me moan a little.

"Ahem" I heard someone clear their throat

I looked over and saw Kalvin. Oh no.

"So, this was the guy"

"Yeah, it is, what of it?" I hissed

"Seems like he knows about our little seceret"

"Ours? It's my seceret, and you almost showed everyone during lunch because you couldn't control your shit, so fuck off and leave me alone"

"Will you stop cussing,  just one promise please, that's it"

"I'll stop cussing when you stop being a complete ass" I started to tear up "Come on Chris, i'll take you home"

"No, it's okay, I can go by myself" Chris said standing up. He walked over to Kalvin and whispered something in his ear.

"Just shut up Kalvin, I don't care that you're fucking other girls anymore, I have Chris now because you obvliosly don't care about me" I yelled as we're fighting in his room.

"Is that what you think I was doing while I was out today?"

"I have noticed a pattern with you, each time you don't get what you want you fuck girls, you get mad and do shit that hurts other people"

"I was with your friend Bella" Kalvin shouted at me

"Bella? That fucking traitor" I opened my window and turned into a cat jumping out of it running away.

"Jess, the white cat is back" Mia said taking me to Jess

"What? Did Kalvin lose him again?" Jess took me in her arms

I meowed and licked her cheek. I would go to Chris but I don't think he could explain why a white cat is in his house, Elise and Jackie aren't allowed to have animals, and Bella is a traitor.

"He must be hungry, we'll go to Kalvin's house tomorrow when he's out of school, can you text him that we have his cat?"

"Yeah, i'll do that"

I jumped out of Jess's arms and hid under their couch. I don't want to go back to him, he's mean.

I woke up of the foot of the bed between Jess and Mia. I stretched and walked up to them and laid back down. I licked my paw trying to groom myself until I heard the doorbell. The two girls didn't wake up so I started meowing.

"Morning Ren, what's wrong?" Mia woke up and petted me.

The doorbell rang again and she quickly got up and left the room going to the front door.

"Hello?" Mia opened the door as I stood between her legs.

"Hi, um, Kalvin told me to get Ren" Chris said looking at Mia

"Ah okay, I think he should put a tracker on this little guy just incase he doesn't come here" Mia picked me up and handed me to Chris

I kissed Chris by licking him and I got ontop of his head.

"Thank you for watching him, I have to go to school now, have a nice day"

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now