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(A/N There's going to be uhh...r*pe....I know that it's a senstive/triggering subject, but writing like this is how I cope from when it happend to me. I like to put my emotions and things that have happened in my life in here. So please don't read if you are easily triggered about it and please don't say that i'm just writing this for a kink because it's not, I've had that experience with my ex and i have friends who have dealt with it)

Ren's P.O.V

I woke up hanging on the wall. My arms are tied above my head. I looked down and saw that I'm naked besides some kind of anklet.

"You're finally awake, tell me where the others are" The man from my parents office said coming up to me

"I don't have to tell you anything" I hissed

The man pulled a whip from behind his back and hit me with it. "Tell me where your little cat friends are"

"No, you can't hurt them, they didn't do anything wrong" I cried. He hit me again with the whip making me cry harder.

"You ran away before I could capture you because your stupid family tried protecting you, so now you also have to pay"

"You were the one who killed my family?"

"Of course, I wanted you for myself"

I struggled against the chains trying to get out. The man hit me with the whip again.

"You're now going to be a good kitten and stay here, I mean, you can't go anywhere even if you tried" The man chuckled coming up to me putting two things on my penis.

I screamed when viberations went through it. I threw my head back biting my lip.

"No cumming, I put a cock ring on you"

My throat is dry and it hurts from screaming and crying. The man came  back in and hit me with his whip.

"You are so loud, I'm going to be nice to you for the first day here, you can cum now" The man took off the cock ring and I tried holding back my cum but I couldn't.

I was breathing heavily and the man turned off the viberater.

"You can go and play with the other kitties now" The man took me down and carried me out of the room into a different one.

I tried getting out of his arms by turning into a cat but I couldnt't

"Alright everyone, this is a new kitten, his name is Ren and he is seventeen, play nice with him, he just got his first punishment. You can now turn into a cat" The man took the thing off of my ankle and put me down where all of the neko's are "Dinner will be ready soon, oh and Ren, you have to call me master or sir" With that the man left leaving me with everyone else.

"Hi Ren, do you want to play?" A four year old neko came up to me. His hair is golden covering his eyes.

I backed away from him and curled into a ball.

"Kai, he just got here, let him adjust" A women said

"Okay mommy"

"Hello, Ren, I'm Deloris, all of the teens and adults here have been also captured, all of the kids under five were breaded here" The women told me

"I want to go home" I whispered

"I know you do, we all do but no one has been able to escape"

I looked around and noticed that everyone was clothed but me.

"My hoodie, where is it, I need it" I shouted starting to cry

"Shh, calm down, i'll get your hoodie, how does it look like"

"It's white with a black hood and black pullstrings"

"Food is here" The man said walking in the room. All of the kids were cheering while everyone else were talking.

"Sir, Ren needs his clothes" Deloris said

"Thank you for reminding me, I got carried away from how much pleasure he was having" The man smirked

A couple of days have passed and I haven't eaten anything, Deloris was getting worried but I told her I was fine. Sir only punished me once for trying to escape. It was worse from the first day, my butt still hurts.

I was on the cat tree trying to sleep. I was laying on top of my hoodie curled into it.

"No, let me go you bastard" I heard a boy yell

I looked up my ears twitching. He's naked with whip marks all over him.

"Everyone, this is Alfie, just like Ren he is new and he is eighteen, please be nice to him" Sir put him down and closed the door.

Alfie stayed where he was not moving. His hair is carmel brown but his ears are a dark brown. His tail is fluffy and is the same as his hair but slowly fading into a dark brown on the tip. His eyes are a bright blue.

"Looks like the new kid got your attention, you never stared at anyone this long before" Deloris teased me

I turned into my normal self and put on my hoodie. "Sir said that he's just like me so I wanted to know if he murdered his family too" I whispered

"Ren, come on, it's your turn" Sir said coming back in with a whip.

I turned back into my cat and hid in the hole of the cat tree.

"Now Ren" He demanded

I hissed at him and growled. He came over to me and grabbed me pulling me out of the hole. He put a thing on my ankle and I was forced to go back to my human form

"No, I don't want to, I want my family back" I cried out

"Which one? The ones who abused you? The ones who are dead? Or the ones who probably don't even care that you're gone? Oh or the families that you've gone to and then left just so you could get food and a place to sleep"

I stopped trying to get out of his arms completely giving up. I looked at Alfie was staring at me in shock.

"Good boy, now, it's punishment time"

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now