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Ren's P.O.V

Alfie put the ring on my finger and kissed me again.

"I love you" He smiled

"I love you too" I hugged him crying more.

"Know what, since everything has been a surprise I'll tell you the names of the twins"

Everyone started cheering again and crying.

"The names are going to be Sydney and Mckenzie"

"Sydney is the name I mentioned" Ein shouted and jumped in joy.

"Yep, and Mckenzie is what Alfie chose, and the reason why I knew these names were the best is because" I heard the door close and I looked over at Sir "Sir, tell them why I chose Sydney and Mckenzie as the names"

Everyone looked at Sir and his face was surprised.

"Go ahead, you know why"

"Well um, Sydney was Ren's sister's name and Mckenzie was his mom's name" He said

"Whoah, we guess the two girls in your family's names?" Alfie asked

"Yes, I don't know how but I guess it was fate"

Another month passed and I was cleaning the neko room while everyone was outside playing. It has been about five months since I found out that i'm pregnant.

"Ren, try this" Deloris came in holding some kind of rolled tortila with stuff in it.

"What is it?"

"Cream cheese mixed with ranch mix, chedar cheese, olives, and bacon all wrapped in a tortilla"

I put the wrap in my mouth and my face lit up. "This is amazing, the kids will love these"

"Do you need any help in here?"

"No, i'm good, it's distracting me from the pain" I chuckled

"Do you think Alfie asked Master about the ring?"

"Definatly, Sir is trying his best to tell me that he's sorry for what he did to me"

"I forgot you and your parents had a past for him, he's been so hard on himself and builds up anger and lashes it out on us"

"I've noticed that, thank you by the way"

"For what?"

"You've been here for me since I got here, you made me sane"

"Ren, wake up" Alfie shook me.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Happy birthday" Everyone shouted.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes to make sure that this is real.

"Happy birthday Ren" Alfie kissed me then helped me up.

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"I asked Sir when it was, and he said Janurary sixth"

Everyone was celabrating my birthday and having a good time.

"Cake time" Deloris said bringing in a cake with candle numbers eighteen.

Everyone sang happy birthday and I blew out the candles. We took them out and cut it. We all ate cake and there was extra.

"Hold my cake, I'll be back" I told Alfie. I grabbed another peice of cake and walked out of the neko room going to Sir's.

"What are you doing in here?" Sir asked not looking up from his laptop.

"I brought you some cake" I walked over to him


"Because if you didn't tell Alfie my birthday then I wouldn't have a party, this is my thank you"

"I have a present for you" Sir said then opened his desk drawer.

He pulled out a small box and handed it to me. I opened it and it was my birthstone shaped like a cat. "I love it, thank you. can you help me put it on?"

Sir stood up and took it out of the box and put the necklace on me.

"Enjoy the cake" I smiled and walked back to the neko room

"Is everything okay?" Alfie asked handing me my cake back

"Yeah, I just thought that Sir wanted some cake, and he gave me a present" I smiled and showed him my necklace.

"That looks cute"

one of the kids was running and accdently bummped into me making me drop my cake "Crap"

"Oh no, i'm sorry" The boy started crying

"Don't be, it's okay, it's just cake" I reasured him "Go keep playing"

"Do you know what I have noticed about you" Alfie said as he helped me clean up the cake


"You never cuss"

"I don't like to cuss, but I do like gambling, do you think we can play blackjack?"

"Yes, we can do your gambling addiction" Alfie chuckled.

"Hey, I'm passed my addiction, I just do it for fun now" I pouted.

"Baby I was joking" Alfie kissed my pouting lip.

A week has passed and everything has been feeling slow and painful.

"Everything is normal and they look healthy" Sir said as he was doing another ultrasound

"Sir? How am I even going to have them?"

"Well, there's actually hole that will open up when you're ready to have the babies" (starts making shit up because uhh, I'm the writer and I can)

"Will the hole close back up?"

"Not all the way, no one can open it, it opens natrually"

I nodded and Sir got the goop off of my stomach and one of the twins kicked at him making me laugh.

"Guess she doesn't like me" Sir joked

"Sir, can you tell me about your wife?"

"Well, she was a amazing in every way, she knew how to keep everyone in line and always made everyone happy, without her I always felt alone, I tried finding someone like her but no one could replace her"

"What kind of neko was she?"

"She was a Turkish Angora breed like you but she was a red type, that's why I wanted to take you in so bad because you are just like her"

"But I can't keep everyone in line and I can't make everyone happy"

"Ren, you brought a lot of these nekos together, everyone has been happier with you here. Even before this your parents fought until they adopted you, you brought them back together"

Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Shit, did I say something wrong" Sir panicked

"No, you didn't I just, I miss them so much" I cried

"I know, I'm so sorry Ren, I wish I didn't do what I did"

"It's fine, it's okay, I mean, the world wanted it right? And honestly if it didn't happen then I wouldn't be engaged, I wouldn't have these twins, I wouldn't have met the friends that I have now" I wiped away my tears smiling.

I'm somewhat happy that Sir did what he did. And I'm sure that my parents are also happy.

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now