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Ren's P.O.V

"Awe baby, look at him, he's so cute" The brown hair girl said as I drank milk from a bowl

"I know but we still have to find his owner" The red head took a picture of me.

"What if we don't?"

"Then we can keep him, i'm going out to print these, want to come?"

"Sure, I still haven't seen your new shop" The red head patted my head and both of them left the house.

I turned back to my normal self and looked around the house, it's easier like this. The house is a one story house and I like it, I don't have to memorize so many rooms.

A day has passed and I finally learned the girls names, the red haired girl is Jess and the brown haired girl is Mia. Both of them are really nice. I'm cuddled in between them watching disney movies.

I started to get hungry so I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen and ate tuna from a paper plate. There was a knock on the door and I walked over to it.

I meowed at the door and Mia came up to answer it. There stood Kalvin with a picture of me in my cat form that Mia took. Mia picked me up and petted me making me purr.

"You found Ren thank you so much" Kalvin said to Mia.

"So that's this little guy's name, He followed me and my girlfriend home yesterday" Mia smiled

Mia tried handing me to Kalvin and I was about to accept it but he smelt like that girl from last night. I jumped and ran to Jess and hissed at Kalvin.

"Are you sure he's your cat? He doesn't seem to like you" Mia said

"Yes, he's my cat, he ran away when I brought a girl over yesterday, he get's jealouse easily, he's like an actual person"

"That explains a lot, when we ask him a question he answers" Mia chuckled.

"Mia, did you find the cat's owner?" Jess asked as Kalvin and Mia walked in.

"Yep, this is"

"Kalvin, hi" Kalvin put out his hand to shake Jess's

I jumped off of Jess and went into the kitchen to finish my tuna. I felt hands go around my waist picking me up. I looked at who it was and it's Kalvin, great. I meowed and tried scratching him.

"Mom and dad are worried and are going to call the police" Kalvin whispered in my ear.

I stopped meowing and scratching. I forgot about them, my foster parents, I ran away from them too.

"Thank you for finding Ren, me and my parents have been worried" Kalvin said petting my head.

Kalvin walked out of the house and put me down. I turned back to my normal self and kept walking back home.

"Ren" Kalvin tried getting my attention. "Ren don't ignore me"

I kept walking to the house, jeeze how long did I follow them.

"Ren, stop fucking ignoring me" Kalvin grabbed my shoulder turning m to face him

"I don't want to talk to you, when we get back i'm going to go to my own room" I yelled at him.

"Ren" Kalvin whispered

I ran home and I heard Kalvin following me.

"Mom dad" I shouted entering the house

"Ren your ears" Kalvin put his hat on my head. I put away my tail in my pants.

"Ren?" My foster mom came up to me and hugged me tight. "Where did you go, what happened, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I was with friends" I smiled

"You call those two friends?"

"What does he mean? Did they hurt you?"

"Okay, I might have lied about them being my friends but they did take me in and helped me"

"Ren, you're an idiot, those two could have hurt you" Kalvin yelled

"Well i'm fine, at least those two were nicer than you" I shouted.

I ran up to mine and Kalvin's room and grabbed most of my clothes and put them in the room that was supposed to be mine.

"Okay, yes we got into a fight and it made him run, I didn't know that he was going to be mad for me having a girl over" I heard Kalvin say

"I told you no one could come over till Ren was comfortable" My foster dad said

"I thought he was with you guys"

I started crying again, I caused a fight. I want my old family back, the ones who knew who I was.

"He was going to start school tomorrow too" My foster mom said passing by my room going to hers.

There was a knock on my door and I ignored it putting my clothes away.

"Let me in Ren" Kalvin said

"Don't want to" I changed into new clothes and put on a new beanie.

Kalvin opened my door and came in.

"How did you"

"Pick locked it, can we please talk"

"Okay, let's talk. I want my Kalvin back, the one who was there when I escaped from my birth parents, the one who kissed me. After that day you were just ignored me, yeah I know you were at school but after school you never came home till the middle of the night, when I tried to cuddle up with you, you just push me away" I hissed

"Because I got a girlfriend Ren, I can't get close to you or I'll I'll"

"You'll what? Lose a slutty girlfriend and gain a boyfriend? You're full of fucking shit" I yelled at him

"Ren it's not like that"

"Get the hell out of my room, we're done talking" I pushed him out closing the door.

"Ren, please keep one promise for me" Kalvin talked through the door "Don't curse, I like the innocent you"

I stood there frozen not even realizing that I cussed, I never do. I turned into my cat form and laid on my bed.

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now