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Ren's P.O.V

A couple of more days past and my heat went down. I feel a lot better, at least I think. I'm still on Kalvin's bed touching myself.

"ngh Kalvin" I grunted cumming on myself.

"Hi Kalvin" I heard a fimilar voice. It's Chris

I quickly got off the bed and fell. Ow, I got back up and grabbed a rag wiping my cum off of me. I ran downstairs and saw Chirs. Pain came again but not as bad, I looked down and i'm hard again and sweating.

"Ren, no go back upstairs till this is over" Kalvin said to me.

"Chris come here" I bit my lip ignoring Kalvin

"Don't he's just in heat, he doesn't know what he's doing" Kalvin glared at me

"Stop it Kalvin, you get to have sex with other girls, why can't I do it with Chris"

I heard Chris chuckle and he came up to me and hugged me

"What's this?" I questioned

"I'm so happy that you're okay, I thought you hated me"

"No, I ignored you and Kalvin trying to see who I like"

"What do you mean?"

My eyes widened and I ran back up to Kalvin's room.

"Ren, you didn't die" Elise smiled at me as I sat at the lunch table

"I was just sick, I felt like dying" I smiled I still am in heat but it's not bad anymore, I just get randomly hard

"Why are boys so dramatic when they're sick, when I dated Kalvin he had a small stomach ach and he acted like a girl on a heavy flow" Jackie rolled her eyes

"Heavy flow?"

"Do you not know what periods are?"

I shook my head no and the girls started laughing.

"Hey Ren" Kalvin came up to me putting his chin on my head

"H-hi Kalvin" I put my arms down trying to hide my growing cock.

"Oh, are you still"

"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"Why the hell are you here?" Jackie growled

"I'm just checking on Ren since he's been sick"

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said quickly getting up leaving.

"Everyone please close the classroom doors and stay put, a wild animal is inside the building, I repeat stay in the classroom" The princpal said through the speakers

All of the plastic girls started screaming while the boys were just laughing about it. I sniffed the air smelling a fimilar scent. I looked at the door and saw a black cat.

"You have to be kidding me" I rolled my eyes and got up opening the door. "It's just a cat" I picked up the cat, boy.

"Ren, put it down, it could have rabies" My teacher shouted

"He doesn't, I've seen animals with it before" I petted the cat and he started purring.

"Then take it outside and tell the princapal"

I rolled my eyes and went to the exit putting the cat down "Why do neko's make such a big fuss, you guys can just find me like a normal person" I talked to the new neko

"What's the fun in that" The cat turned into a nine year old "I'm Ein"

"Okay, what did you need, i'm kind of at school right now"

"You aren't a pure breed like Bella said you were, but you aren't a mixed either" Ein said walking around me and smelling me.

"What does that mean?"

"I think you're new, like, there isn't any genetics in your family but you still became one, like the first neko in the word, you should be happy, but also careful, there are crazy people who have been trying to track you kinds down"

"I'm confused"

"You came from a human family, but you somehow got different genetics from them which makes you have white hair and a neko, have you never questioned it?"

"I thought that my hair was just a birth defect"

"Ren, come back in the school" One of my teachers said

"Yes sir, i'm just making sure that the cat gets out safe" I turned around to face him

He smiled at me and went bak inside

"We can talk later, I get home around three twenty so just meet me at my house"


"So, you and Bella aren't pure breds?" I asked Ein

"I am, Bella isn't"

"Have you started your heat then?"

"No, they don't start till you're a thirteen"

"But i'm seventeen and this was my fist one"

"Well, some do start late, but yours is really late, it might have to do with you being a new type of breed, and they usually don't last for a month"

"Cute, i'm dating a new breed" Chris smiled

"Excuse me? You two are not fucking dating" Kalvin shouted in anger.

"Stop fighting" I teared up.

They have been fighting more and more each day.

"Dude, i'm joking, I actually got a boyfriend"

"Wait, you're cheating on your boyfriend, that's hillarious" Kalvin laughed

"There's something called being polyamerous, he knows and he's poly too" Chris rolled his eyes.

"Why are we taking advice from a nine year old who broke into the school?"

"Because I know more than Bella, unlike her I was raised by neko's" Ein hissed

"Bella? That chick from the arcade?"

"Yeah, she's one too, that blonde cat was her"

A small pain shot through me making me groan.

"Are you okay?" Ein asked

"Yeah, um, Chris can you come with me" I got up and grabbed Chris's hand going to my room

"What's wrong?" Chris asked as I closed my door locking it.

I kissed Chris and pushed him onto my bed getting on top of him.

"Are you still in heat?" Chris asked


"you're cute, you have to meet my boyfriend, he'll love you" Chris smiled kissing me flipping us over.

"Ren, I swear if you are doing anything with Chris I will hurt you"

"Can't hear you" I giggled as Chris started to unbotton my pants.

"Okay, fine, Chris if you do anything I'll hurt you"

"Can't talk, I have a dick in my mouth" Chris started to suck me off.

Ren (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now