Chapter 3, infectious

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I was slightly winded when we finally arrived at class. We were about 10 minutes late, and everyone was just chilling in class, not really doing anything.

Guess it's more of a study hall than a class.

Adora and I stood awkwardly in front of the class. People snickered at us as a pair. They were all staring at us.

They were staring at me.

I don't like people looking at me. So I leaned back and crossed my arms, trying to look like I could kick their asses if I wanted to. I know I could, but I want them to know without having to prove it.

Adora slipped in mayor mode as soon as she crossed the threshold of the classroom. I swear she was the very definition of shaking hands and kissing babies. It was annoying, but it took some attention off me, at the least.

Ms. Hope finally noticed us and said," Where have you been? I asked you to put your bag away 20 minutes ago! " She seemed upset, and I truly don't think I could have handled the conversation without getting angry. I don't like being talked to that way. But of course, Miss Perfect Princess of Brightmoon answered for me.

Almost thankfully.

"My friend here, her locker would not work. She found me, who is in charge of new students, to help her with the situation. We eventually had to go to the office because the school gave her the wrong combo. She did what Principal Angela instructed. "

Adora looked calmer than she was earlier in the hall, but her fists were in tight balls. I guess she wasn't used to things not going her way. Scorpia was that way, too. It gives her anxiety, and she gets a little upset. I had to comfort Scorpia when she got like that on a wrekly basis back when we were younger.

"Very well, take the seats in the back right of room." Ms. Hope glared at me," If you slip up at all, you will be moved immediately. "

"Understood," I mumbled and followed Adora to the back of the class.

People were talking in groups. I assumed it was okay to talk. If not, I'd just have to deal with Hope later.

Adora was staring at her hands with her eyebrows furrowed. I assumed she was deep in thought, and as my job as the new bored resident jackass, it was my job to talk to her.

I poked Adora's forehead. Not hard, as I didn't want to scratch her. She looked up from her hands

"Wow, your hands must be pretty interesting." I laughed a little at my own joke.

"Ah, shut up," she smiled through her words. She looked up from her sweaty palms; her attention was now all on me.

"Your words cut deep, 'my friend'. Say, —I don't remember agreeing to be friends?" I wasn't trying to be very sarcastic. My normal tone was just like that.

"If we aren't, then why did you start talking me? As I recall, it wasn't the other way around. " She raised an eyebrow and smiled a little more.

I was caught.

"It's not cause I like you, I just wanted to say thanks, " I grumbled and turned away a little.

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