Chapter 26, Deep sigh

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Matt finally came back to school friday. People lined up the entrance and held Get well signs. I happened to be one of them, against the advice of Glimmer and Catra. Bow stood next to me with another sign.

As soon as the door opened everyone's breath for stuck in their throat. We all smiled politely as Matt's dad wheeled him by.

He had stitches through he lip and eye brow. He had a plastic mold hugging his nose, probably cause Catra broke it. His normally over gelled hair was loose and fell over his droopy eyes. His eyes met mine for only a second before he looked away.


I shivered as the crowd thinned into just me and Bow. He put an Arm around my shoulder and steared me towards the cafeteria.

Eventually I took a seat next to Catra who was making jokes as per usual. She looked down at my sad eyes and looked around. She leaned toward to whisper something in my ear.

"Where is your smile? I can tell your upset... We can talk later if you want" she patted my leg under the table and directed her attention back to Sea Hawk and Mermista .

Where is my smile?

I straightened my shoulders and forced my trade mark smile and looked into the table. Glimmer was talking to Bow about tonight and were we where going. I grinned at the thought.

Me and Bow knew that we where going to watch the Labyrinth at an old drive in theater. Catra didn't probably wouldn't understand that it's Glimmer's favorite movie, but she wouldn't care either.

My dad used to play it all the time, and for the longest it was the only thing I had left of my parents. When I met Bow and Glimmer, they watched it with me all the time when I was sad. It eventually turned into a tradition and Glimmers favorite movie, but even more surprising than Glimmers movie tastes, was Catra.

Catra was actually being really understanding, which surprised me a shit ton. She always acted so tough and like she hates everyone, like she didn't care about anyone's feelings or what she said to them. I expected that to be her attitude towards me, but it has been the opposite.

Catra really cared about little things. She really was conscious of how close we sat or how much we talked. She seemed to think of every little thing so people wouldn't assume the rumors were true. The only people that saw all her efforts where Bow and Glimmer, who texted me about how big a surprise she was.

"Hey Blondie what time are you picking me up?" Catra glanced at me with her recovering face.

"It starts at 8, but I wanted to know if we could skate before the movie" I shrugged and turned to face her.

"Oh, sound gnarly dude, is 6 good for you?" She sarcastically did the hang ten sign and smiled.

Dead ass not a smirk or a flirty grin, but an actual smile. You can get the butterflies in my stomach went into a frenzy that was so bad I thought I could vomit them up. Metaphorically of course, Catra doesn't make me wanna vomit at all.

"Cool, sound great." I beamed as she tossed her bag at me.

"Escort me to class dummy?" She grinned and stood up, putting her hand for me to take.

"Of course fuck face" I got up with out her assistance as we started toward a class. Me carrying both her her bags like some vallet, and her glaring at anyone a d everyone witehthe heat of thousands suns.


I was able to get me and Adora out of detention that day with some hard core acting to principal Angella and my push over guidance councillor Mrs. Spinerella. I wrote Matt a bullshit letter and said I'd do community service or some shit so me an Adora would not have to go. I had work anyway, so they could justify keeping .e even if the wanted to.

I was finished working on some old Harley bike's transmission and started to pack up my stuff from the shop. I had grease smeared on my face and my hands where nearly black, not to mention I reaked of transmission fluid and gasoline.

I yawned and put my tools away. The boss doesn't like his grease monkeys to walk through the display room and stuff, so I just walked out the back and waved bye to some co-workers.

I drove home as fast as I could. I practically sprinted up the stairs and jumped straight into the shower. The grease rinsed off with minimal scrubbing and my hair was easy since I didn't have a lot anymore.

I hopped out and sprinted to my room. I grabbed a khaki pair of my nicest straight leg Dickies and an Kiss t-shirt. I tucked it in and pulled on a random navy blue sport coat and rolled the sleeves up. I sprayed myself with more cologne necessary and hobbled to the bathroom while putting on a studded belt.

I pushed my hair back and secured it with some gell. I just finished brushing my teeth when the door bell ran. I grabbed a pair of navy converse and practically fell down the stairs.

I looked at my self in the mirror and straightened my jacket, then opened the door.


"Hey Adora"

Catra looked hot. Like really fucking hot.

She looked like she was disinterested and bored already, but that added to the look even more. I felt severely underdressed in my flannel print joggers and black AC-DC shirt.

She grabbed a board from next to the door and stepped out into the sun.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" She laughed and linked her arm in mine.

"Nah, you wish" I laughed and lead her to my jeep.

She insisted on opening my door then hopped in herself. I rested one hand on the center console and the other on the wheel. I put the key in the ignition and was about to pull out of the drive when I felt her fingers intertwine with mine. I grinned and drove down the road in pure euphoria.

Filler chapter, an amigo uploaded this for me, still on a brake. Have a franfrickentastic day.

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