Chapter 18, by myself

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The thing with never have a say.

I really don't need her help, nor did I ever ask.

I leaned against the hood of her jeep while Adora looked for her keys.

"I left them in the stands, it'll only take minute!" She took off towards the pitch.

I sighed a listened to the birds chirping. The laughter from the field was only a distant rumble. My ankle throbbed in a continuous beat. I sighed and decided to sit on the hood. I dangled my legs down and sighed.

That's when I heard the scrapping of cleats on asphalt.

"You know you ruined my perfect season as a senior"

I looked over to see the girl who fucked my ankle up.

"Look kiddo, I play to win, and in not gonna stop because of you" I scowled, "You aren't important to me"

Shit is gonna hit the fan. I really hope I can either fight back or Adora comes back sooner. Actually, nah I don't need her. She is only gonna make it worse.

"Listen here you little punk. Your from the Horde. You don't belong here. You don't belong any where." She gritted her teeth.

"Listen can we speed this up? I got a date with your mom and I really don't think I she wants to wait. It be rude to keep me, and I think she raised you better than that." I smirked through the throbbing pain radiating from my ankle.

She reached out and grabbed my leg.


She yanked me off the car faster than I could react. Next thing I knew I was staring at the pale sky with a sting originating from the back of my head.

"Your not very smart, are you?" She smiled condescendingly.

"Nah, not really, but your mom and sister really like it" I laughed

She kicked me in the side. I doubled into a ball and coughed.

"Your a little faggot who is in the wrong place. You should die in the Horde. Your just dirt."

" This dirt beat you and ruined perfect senior season " I coughed out a chuckled.

She kicked me again. Harder and harder. She picked her foot up and brought it above my head.

No balls. She wouldn't.

"Do it coward." I smirked at her and crossed my arms.

Shit...I'm gonna die.

Then she flew backwards.


I looked down at Catra who seemed completely unfazed that someone almost curb stopped her.

"Oh Hey Adora. Did you meet my friend? She is a physco." She pulled herself up and spit out some blood.

Bow stopped behind us still recording.

"Oh Shit. You look worse than Adora" Bows jaw was dropped .

"Dang , I must be hideous then." she smirked and limped over to side of the car, "I mean like pre injury or post injury....Never mind if still be uglier than a rat's ass"

How is she like this! Gah! She is gonna drive me insane.

"Hey Adora can you unlock it?" She leaned against the passenger door impatiently .

She jumped in as soon as I did.

"She is kinda weird...right?" Bow looked at me and raised an eyebrow, " Oddly calm"

"Yeah. Too calm."


Catra was mad I was taking her to Glimmers house, she only agreed because her.... Imma say family, was going. She was just leaning against the wall looking like She could kill someone. If looks could kill, there would be a massacre. Angela wasn't home, so it was just us. Mermista and Sea Hawk where getting pizza.

I need to talk to her.

I smiled at Catra from the couch. She frowned and looked out the window.

Geez. C'mon man.

I pulled myself up and walked th 10 feet between us. I felt like I was walking on a mine field.

"Hey Catra, how are you doing?" I smiled weakly and sat on the windowsill next to her.

"Broken and in pain." She glared at me

" I...I wanted to make sure your okay. "

"I am" she gritted her teeth, "And even if I wasn't I wouldn't need you. I can handle my life by myself."

" Fine, next time I'll be the one to let Scorpia know your brains are scattered in the parking lot. And I'll tell Lonnie to bring a shovel " She grimaced a little.

She is gonna try and punch me.

She lurched forward but fell off balance because of her ankle. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to me. She was shocked. We stared into each others eyes angrily.

Lonnie whistled from across the room.

She grunted and tried to wiggle herself out of my arms.

"Nope. We are talking about this" I swung her over my shoulder and carried her to the garage.

I set her down next to a bench which she promptly sat in and crossed her arms.

"Look... I know your kinda upset I fake dated DT, and I stole your thunder in that fight. But we aren't gonna stop seeing eachother." She cocked an eyebrow. I took a breath, " I mean, our friends are gonna keep dragging is everywhere. We are gonna still have to be around eachot-"

She cut me off.

"Your making me look weak. I don't need your protection, I don't need your friendship, I don't need you" she furrowed her brow in anger," All you've down is embarrass me since I moved schools. People are gonna think I actually care about you, and I don't. I don't give a damn about you Adora! " She was holding in tears.

"Fine. You don't need me. No matter what I'm gonna be her for you. I'm gonna try and help to because that's my job. That's what I do. That's what everyone says I do. If I don't, if I can't, I am useless. I have no reason for living if i can't help people. I care about you even if you don't care if I was dead. I never wanted to use you. I never wanted to make You feel that way. I didn't know." I looked her in the eye.

She looked hurt and surprised. The years in her eyes slowly went away as we just stared at each other. Her eyes softened but her face was still angry.

"Fine. But don't expect me to be nice to you" she scoffed.

I grabbed her into a hug. She patted me awkwardly.

Kinda bipolar... That's a little concerning I guess. I just gotta break down her walls. Then I can help.

" This isn't cause I like you "

"Nope. It's cause you love me dumb ass" I laughed and picked her up again.

She grinned and stared at the ceiling.

God why is so hard to hate you

What's up homies been a while right? By a while I mean like 3 days. I have band and stuff so I won't be posting as often. You know I gotta practice and until I give my self nerve damage again.

Anyway hope y'all are doing great. Stay safe and healthy ❤

The Dark Side of Bright Moon (Catradora)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن