Chapter 29, Facade

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Bow and Glimmer where impatiently waiting in front of Adora's flat when we pulled up. It was getting pretty late and I still hadn't told Shadow Weaver I was spending the night in the first place. I sighed and touched my faded black eye in fear of what was to come.

Adora noticed my discomfort and interlocked her fingers with mine . She pulled my tires body up the stairs With the same amount of force a cowboy uses when he tackles bulls. Adora unlocked it hastily and we all stumbled into the cramped dark apartment.

The lights flicked on to reveal the room. It had a kitchen to the left that interlocked with the messy living room. There was a brown couch against the wall that I can only assume is her bedroom, it matches the bland loveseat against the wall with a window. There was trash littered on the floor and text books stacked on the table. The brown curtains matched the otherwise beige room.

She had framed jerseys hung up on the wall along with cleats and balls sitting on shelves. And don't even get me started on her dusty trophy collection that framed her larger-than-necessary flat screen TV.

Bow plopped on the couch with a sigh, "Where you studying again?"

"Yeah, you know me, a perfectionist with no confidence " she swung her arm in front of her sarcastically. (Envision a pirate doing the "arg" thingy? Idk how to describe it)

I yawned and followed Glimmer out of the walkway and into the beige prison. She sat next to Bow, so instead of being a massive cock block, I sat on the bland colored loveseat.

"To good to sit with us? Huh?" Glimmer raised and eyebrow and crossed her arms, judging me and assuming the worst.

" Nah, I just don't wanna be a massive cock block. Besides I'd hate to accidentally make you fall in love with me and my charming good looks, happens all the time, I swear" I smirked as Adora tossed a peice of trash at me.

"I'm just being honest" I threw my hands up in defence as Adora turned away from me to sit with her friends.

I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into the loveseat before She could get very far. Adora was laughing and shoving me lightly.

"Catra I hate you" she laughed and as she tried to turn around to see me.

"Be gay, so crimes. Kidnapping is a crime, and you did just go on a date with me, so it's not all my fault" I giggled into her back as she attempted sliding off my lap.

I shrugged and put my arm around her shoulder as she now found a way next to me. I smirked at Bow who have me a thumbs up behind Glimmers back. Glimmer scoffed and gave Adora a "You must be fuckin dumb" look. I may smirked at Glimmer and gave the very oblivious and cute Adora a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and swatted me away embarrassed.

Bow smiled like a proud dad as Glimmer looked like a disappointed Karen who wanted to speak to the manager. I

Yeah, yeah, get over it Sparkles. She chose me, so don't get your panties in a bunch.

"So Catra where are you from anyway? I know the horde, but like parents and stuff" Glimmer tapped her foot expectantly, probably waiting for me to say I'm a criminal or something.

"Orphan since I was about 5. I grew up in a home on the outskirts of the Horde. My parents died of a drug overdose. They where assholes anyway. I lived out in the street for a few months when I met Scorpia and Rogelio at a playground. They asked me to come over to play, and I did. The head mistress found out I was a squatter and basically kidnapped me. I've lived there ever since" I stared at Glimmer, as embarrassment and Horror crept into the corners of her face.

"Catra, are you serious? That's terrible"

I smiled and turned my head around to see Adora looking at me with so much concern it made my heart ache.

"It's fine Adora, I turned out dead sexy and that's all that matters" I gestured to myself as she chuckled into the crook of my neck," What about you guys? "

"I have a normal childhood, My dads processors at a university in the archeology and linguistics. I've been really fortunate compared to you guys" Bow shrugged and turned his attention to Glimmer.

"My dad died in a fire when I was 6. He went into save some people. They got out but he didn't. It was started by a bunch of dumb Horde brats. It's just been me and my mom ever since then, which I don't mind, she is a kick ass mom and a great listener" Glimmer smiled when she bragged about her mom.

Glimmer nudged Adora's foot gently and have her a "it's okay" look.

She stiffened into a literal stone seat next to me. I gently kissed her forehead and leaned down to her ear. I

Geez, I can't imagine anyone as pure as Adora having a messed up life, but if it is, it's gonna be fucked up for sure.

"Adora you don't have to if you don't wanna, it's all good, i didn't even share half my story" I whispered in my most comforting voice, which ended up deep and raspy.

She shivered and sat up.

"I had a really good child hood until 5th grade. My mom was an accountant and my dad was a retired Air force captain. My mom died in a car crash while I watched helplessly. I wanted to go to the movies, and I was being distracting. She hit a guard rail and went off the overpass. My dad was never the same. He blamed for it and turned to alcohol. He never would hit me, he steared clear of me like I was a plague. I'm my 8th grade he hung himself after getting in an argument with me. That's when I transferred here, and now I love it" she recited it as if it was a speech.

I have her a worried smile. The normal picture perfect Adora snapped back into character in the blink of an eye. I pulled her into a worried side hug and kissed her cheek. She smiled and giggled.

"Geez you make every was moment adorable" she side hugged me back and messed up my styled hair. I groaned and tried to frantically fix my hair as the group laughed at my flustered expression.

"We should play jenga... Oh or monopoly! What about life?!" Bow pipped up after the laughter subsided .

"I'm down" Adora smiled her trademark smile.

Me and Glimmer nodded as he sprinted out of the room to find the games.

What have I gotten myself into now?!


What's up amigos and amigas, how are yall? I'm tired af, hiked the other day, and let me tell you. Balancing on a 15 foot long log over a creek, with a broken foot, and new tennis shoes.... Ain't a good idea. I stepped in a few holes and fell in the creek twice over the course of it, but the view was worth it.

Anyway, I got my physical therapist yelling at me tomorrow for an hour cause I fucked up meh leg on me hike. Wish me luck, and as usual stay safe and healthy.


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