Chapter 27, Tiny leap

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Catra had taken off her jacket to teach me how to skate. I wasn't really good and didn't wanna learn very much, but it made Catra happy, and if I'm being honest I thought she was fucking beautiful when she did it.

We where in the back of CVS parking lot down the road. She was trying to get me to do an ollie.

"Adora, it's easy I swear, all you gotta do is pop the tail and slide your foot up to the nose" she demonstrated for what seemed like the 50th time today.

I bent my knees and tried to copy what she did, although it seemed like I was just popping it up and slamming it back down again. I sighed and disappointment.

Why am I so bad at this!?! Gawd fucking damnit it's been almost an hour and I'm still no wher-

Catra's strong hands on my hips woke me up from my daze. I could feel her breath on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about falling, okay? I gotcha Adora, so don't worry" she mumbled into my ear in a raspy voice that set my stomach on fire.

I leaned down again and prepped my body do to the basic trick. The motions where simple and I could do them, but as soon as it came time to do it for real I always fucked up.

I sighed and popped the tail as hard as I could. Sliding my foot up the board I could feel the tiniest skip. The old board landed on its old wheels with a thunk. Catra's hands left my waist and pulled me into a hug, dragging me off the board.

"That was the tiniest ollie I have ever seen, but God damnit it was an ollie" she smiled and giggled into my ear.

I looked over and kissed her on the cheek, which made her smile broaden. She blushed a little and buried her head into my neck.

Her phone buzzed from its perch next to my bag, which caused Catra to unrap her arms and leave me. My abdomen felt so naked without her rapped around it.

"Bow wants to meet in and hour, he said they are running late. Doo you wanna try again?" She looked up from her phone.

"I'm good, can I watch the master?" I smirked and leaned against my jeep .

"I'm suck at flat ground and street, but I guess" she popped the tail to her newer board and leaned on the car next to me," Watcha wanna see? "

"Uh... Can you slide that rail thingy?" I pointed at an old yellow rail that was deviding the parking lot and the loading dock. She shrugged with a smile and got up.

"Like I said I'm better with ramps and bowls, but I'll sure as hell try" she kissed my forehead and took off jogging towards the other end of the parking lot. She turned around and started sprinting toward a the rail thing. She dropped her board and lowered her center of gravity in anticipation.

She uncoiled like a spring as her board drifted up the the rail. She rode it for two or three feet before jumping off and riding away.

She stopped in front of me and popped her board.

"Was that good princess?" She put her hands on her knees and panted ever so lightly .

"Yep, geez your like a pro at this" I beamed and kicked my legs like a giddy child," Oh, Oh, Oh, can you kickflip?! I here that so much"

She smirked , " Ah that's easy, but okay" she rolled away from me and did a flip easily," I may be able to kick flip up to that ledge 1 stair thing and use it as a manny pad and maybe varial flip off. "

"That sounds so cool" I smiled as she started jogging down the parking lot again. She did the same route as before, but instead of going on the rail, she went left to it up the stair and held did the "kiclflip" and then landed with the nose up while not touching the tail down , then did an even cooler flip off.

I cheered and smiled as she came rolling back around.

"Good?" She said while getting off the board .

"Yeah, you're so cool Catra! Like geez, I fuckin' love you"

" Huh? " She raised and eyebrow and smirked at me.

"I meant, I love your.... skating....yeah" I felt my face getting red, " We should maybe start heading over to the Drive in right ? Yeah, let's go " I quickly tossed my bag through the open window and climbed in before she could bring up my embarrassing slip up.

She chuckled and slid both our boards in the backseat before climbing into the passenger seat.

"Ya know, Your really cute when your embarrassed" she smirked and closed the door with a loud thud .

"Shut up, no I'm not, cause I'm never embarrassed," I choked out while shoving her shoulder.

She laughed and leaned over the console. Our faces where so close that I didn't even wanna breath cause I thought she might disappear.

"I still think your really cute no matter what" she used her raspy voice that sent my heart in whirl before gently kissing my lips.

It wasn't needy or wanting like before, just sweet and short. Her lips tasted like cigarettes and tea. I smelled her cologne that I adored. My heart was beating so fast I thought I may have a heart attack. She smiled as she pulled away slowly.

This was the first time she had really made a move since the clearing. She hadnt even really tried to hold my hand let alone kiss me again. It was always me giving her pecks on the cheek during lessons or before practice, so this was a pleasant surprise.

"Earth to Adora? Are you just gonna keep staring or are we gonna get going?" She smirked and buckled herself in," If you get that distracted when I kiss you I may have to stop "

I shoved her again and turned the ignition.

"Shut up" I smirked at her

"Make me"

Okay bottom Catra or top Catra, cause it can go either way, idrk.

Anyway, I'm back bitches. I unpublished some chapters cause they got posted out of order and stuff. Imma try to tone down my cursing cause I got a DM from an Amiga saying I was kinda making them feel uncomfortable, since it's in here so often. I'll try, I curse a lot irl, so this is a big try.

anyways, Stay safe and remember, don't drink glass, it may be pretty, but it's itchy as f- heck lmao.


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