Chapter 11, How to look like a play boy.

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I was driving to my apartment with 'Double Trouble' and Scorpia. We where going to meet up before the game and get some food.
From what Scorpia told me, 'Double Trouble' was just a nick name, like most people had in the Horde. Their ability to act and having a reputation of being two faced earned them that nickname.

Bow was getting Chinese and bringing it to my flat. The drive was relatively quiet until Double Trouble spoke up.

"Your performance is marvelous my dear, so believable" They leaned on Scorpia dramatically, " I can't wear your Letterman to the game Adora, alas I must cheer, but you should let glimmer wear it, that'll make her chase her tail"

They giggled and crossed their arms looking at me through my rearview mirror.

"Nah I'll want it after the game, it has to be cold" I dead panned.

" That's fine darling... I'll run to you when you get back to the bench after winning, oh that'll make her blood boil.," the looked at Scorpia again,"She better show."

"She's a woman of  her word, She always pulls matter how many insults!" Scorpia smiled and lifted a fist in the air .

"Good," they looked back at me," Wear what every you want just match it to red and yellow. I have the most perrrrfect outfit up my sleeve!"

I was glad when we finally got to the apartment. Mermista, Perfuma, Sea Hawk, Entrapta, and Frosta where already there. They all stared at me, begging for the answers that I really didn't wanna give. Double Trouble on the other hand, wanyed nothing more than to give all the answers possible.

"It went stunningly! Oh, you should have seen her all flustered and angry!" They switched into a voice that sounded too much like Catra for my own comfort ," Dear me! Oh no, my woman had been swooned by another, what ever shall I do. Punching through my problems seem like a flawless idea! " the leaned against the wall dramatically.

The group laughed and applauded DT's performance. They took a seat on my sofa next to Entrapta and started up a conversation.

Mermista was gonna ask for more info when Bow and Glimmer walked in, trailed closely by Lonnie. Lonnie was in on the plan, but I wasn't ready for her to show up to our pregame ritual. I couldn't complain though, I did bring DT after all.

They set down the bags on the counter and we all dug in. They had bought a super family size batch of Chow mein and 4 different varieties of chicken. It's smelled like absolutely heavenly in my apartment.

Frosta bolted to be first in line, but Scorpia was faster. We evetually all filled our plates and turned on Jim Hensons's "Labyrinth" .

It was an old movie with David Bowie and Jennifer Connolly. Me and Glimmer watched this before my first basketball game, and it's been a tradition ever since. My mom and dad loved that movie. There are so many bittersweet memories that go with it.

Happy things like playing it's corny songs in my dad's old beat up truck on the way to elementary school. Or how I used to stay up at night with my mom and watch it if I had a bad dream. Sad things like arguments playing over the music when I tried to drown them out. Like when dad tried to relinquish custody to my grandparents. Things like how he came to an all time low, taking his life, while I was distracted by the flashy and eye catching shenanigans.

Still, it's a movie and memory I hold onto despite the negatives. It makes me feel like they are with me almost, and I think it makes me do better. I really have no option to do any worse, I have to do well. I have people depending on me to win and be at my best all the time, so it doesn't matter about the negatives of I'm honest.

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