Chapter 32, i forgot yo name this crap

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Adora's pov

Catra had been really clingy all day. Not in a bad way, I really liked the sudden affection, and she was doing it kinda secretly. I could tell she felt bad about ignoring me, but I could totally tell where she was coming from. I mean, She was afraid for her safety, that's a valid reason to lay low.

Glimmer was talking shit about Catra as we walked to our table. I would object, but you just can't ever do that around her. She would rather eat a baby than be told she is wrong.

Catra was sitting next to my seat nonchalantly. She gave me a flirty smirk as I took the chair next to her. Her knee pressed against mine under the table, which sent my stomach a whirl. I hadn't noticed Glimmer practically shitting on Catra.

Her face fell with every word that came out of Glimmer's mouth. I slid my hand into Catra's knee and tossed a grape at Glimmer. It pelted her in the eye, but it made her shut up.

"Why?" Glimmer glared at me through her one non-graped eye.

"Me and Catra already talked about this, and she has a valid excuse" I groaned and looked at a relieved Catra out the side of my eye.

Her face was stoney and solemn again.

Geez, sad Catra is adorable, but also makes me sad...

I quickly scanned the lunch room to make sure no one was staring. I leaned over and planted a gentle kiss one her jaw below her ear. She giggled a happy giggle and smiled at me.

"You are much prettier when you don't look sad and guilty." I tried my best at a seductive tone, but it wasn't nearly as good as the one she frequented, but it did the job.

Mermista closed Sea Hawk's mouth and gave a low whistle followed by a cat call that made zero sense.

"This is new, huh?" Perfuma smiled and clasped her hands together like a gospel singer.

"Oh Shut up or I'll...just shut up..." Catra mumbled under her breath and layed her head on my shoulder with a gentle sigh.

I could defiantly get used to this...


Adora practically forced me to wear her Letterman, at gun point I should add. I had one of my own. Soon to be two actually, but that's what she wanted and I am not gonna be the one to stop her.

Me, Kyle and Regelio are loaded into the bed of Scorpia's truck on our way to the pregame stuff. We picked up a bunch of Horde kids since we live close. Huntara is on the team, but wanted to ride with us so she could "catch up". I couldn't hear what was going on, but Octavia, Huntara and Lonnie seemed to be having a blast.

While I'm stuck with Kyle.

We got a bump which launched the blonde into the air and almost over the edge. I snatched his shoulder and forced him down harder than necessary. She groaned but still said thanks.

No sooner than we pulled in, we all sprang from the truck. Kyle was about to vomit, so Rogelio went with him to the bathroom.

I was watching them leave when I got a hard clap on th back from Horde High's football captain.

"So how are ya' adjusting oh mighty king?" Huntara laughed at her own joke, which got her a glare from her "not girlfriend" .

"Who's Letterman is that though, cause you don't play football" Octavia quirked an eyebrow at me quizically.

I practically beamed and puffed out my chest when I answered,
" It's my girlfriends. She is the running back and captain of the basketball team"

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