Chapter 14, Sucker punch

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Adora did good, there is no way around it. She was awesome. After know... I  didn't think I could control my emotions. And the last thing I want to go ruin Lonnie or Scorpia's day. But there was something definitely up.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but the way double trouble looked at me, then Adora's reaction to kissing... It didn't seem right. It seemed fake.

I shook it from my mind and grabbed my bag. Adora smiled at me, but I could be it return it without getting worked uo, so I just left.

Everyone followed suit, even Adora. I shivered in the cold.

Damnit...I forgot a jacket.

I sighed and held my shoulders as Lonnie and Scorpia talked to Bow and Glimmer.

The plan was to put my motorcycle in  the back of Lonnie's truck and drive to the party that way. It would save gas, and I didn't wanna be riding on a cold night.

It's probably busted anyway

I shivered and put my hands under my arm to keep them warm. I felt a hand on my back and looked up. Adora was smiling at me, trying to hand me her letterman

"Sorry... you gave me your jacket, can I return the favor?" She offered a sheepish smile.

I didn't wanna take it all, but I was so cold. I felt my icy hands reach out and grab it. I put the giant wool and leather jacket on. It was really warm on the inside, probably because she just took it off.

"You're fine, thanks by the way." I tried to return her smile," you and Double Trouble were cute." I attwmot my best smirk, but my hearts not in it.

She saw straight through it. Wrapping a huge arm around my shoulder, smiling at me.

"No, we aren't." I looked up." I'll explain after the party, okay?"

I raised an eye brow at her confused, She just laughed a little and smiled at me.

"I like your hair, by the's really cute." she looked over at the field when she said it.

I was kinda shocked when she said it.

Is she flirting with me? I can't tell if she's being nice or just really bad at flirting.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to 7/11 with me before we head over..." She was obviously nervous.

I wanted to say yes, but then I had a thought.

Something isn't making sense...She is dating DT, is she trying to cheat on them? It makes sense. She is leading them on. How many people has she cheated on then with? She must think I'm an idiot.

I stared at her angrily. She averted ny eyes at all costs, her eyes darted around, confused and scared. I could feel my anger boiling up. I shrugged her hand off my shoulder.

She was using me and I he no fucking idea! I've gone soft... People are gonna start talking. I gotta make a point.

Right now.

"You suck Adora. Did you think I was that dumb?! Seriously, I am not helping you cheat on them! They seem to really like you...why would you do that to them?" I got quiet and looked down,"Why would you do that to me?  Are you just trying to use me? "

My sudden yelling caught everyone's attention. Adora looked around at her friends for help, but I was done with this. I wound up loading every bit of strength I could muster into my left arm.

I punched her in the jaw as hard as I could. She stumbled back into the gate, looking really dazed.

I had another one cocked and loaded when Scorpia and Lonnie grabbed me. They yanked me away. I was kicking  and trying to break free.

"Did you really think you could just step on me?! USE ME? I thought we were friends! Who the fuck tried to cheat on their partner with their friends? You where my only friend I made at this God damned school! FUCK YOU! !" I was screaming trying to finish the fight.

Everyone has this expression that universal," Oh shit" expression. I didn't care. I wanted to fight. Anyone. Scorpia and Lonnie dragged me away. 

"Catra, we gotta go... Kyle and Rogelio are waiting for us at the party... It'll be fun....relax." Lonnie talked quietly into my ear .

I choked on a sob and yelled," THIS AIN'T OVER ADORA."

I looked up at Lonnie and Scorpia through tears. I didn't know I was even crying.


I opened my eye, looking at the sky.

Did she fucking punch me?!

I grabbed my jaw and felt the warm trickle of blood down my neck. I looked at me hand....

She did.

I looked around so find her. There was yelling...and crying? Am I crying? No it's Catra.

I closed my eyes and held my chin, the pain was finally setting in. I spit out some blood and looked up again to see Catra being carried away, looking defeated. Why did she punch me?!

Glimmer and Bow rushed towards me, taking me in their arms and holding me upright while I tried to recollect my thoughts .

I thought back....

Something about double trouble.


Asked her out.




What did she say? Why was She mad?! Double trouble...Why are they important?

She thought I was planning on using her to cheat. Why?

Shit...She thinks we are dating

I slouched into my friends arms. My head throbbed. My jaw was aching, but I could think of how I messed up. I should have told her at the party we weren't dating.
Bow and Glimmer's words were distorted, but were getting clearer every second. At some point, Bow got up and called someone.   He was saying something. Something about Catra. The soccer team... Frosta's party.

Fuck, the party....Everyone is waiting.

I gritted my teeth and straighten up. I Wiped the blood off my chin and spit the rest out.

"We have a party to go to... I don't wanna think about this, let's just go." I stumbled out of Glimmer arms and started to walk towards my jeep, "Everyone is waiting on me, I scored the winning touchdown. I'm the woman of the hour, so hurry up. "

The thumb nail is just how I feel. I'll release more stuff today, and thanks for helping me almost tripple my goal it means too much. I'm really tired and just got a bunch of unsolicited dick picks so that is great 👍.

Anyway hope you enjoy the rest of the content coming later!

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