Chapter 23, Clear

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Staring at Catra as she left the room, it sent shivers down my spine. Her fists where covered in his blood. She has specks of it on her face, which was barely even visible through her messy hair. What was worse was her boots. She had stepped in a pool of Matt's blood during the beating and was leaving a trail that was slowly fading to the door. She gave me a sad look, but I really couldn't even look her in the eye.

She was trying to help me, but this is too far.

Matt was slowly waking up as the coach called for a wheel chair on his clunky old radio. Scorpia looked so sad; She was crying into Bow's shoulder. He was just in shock. His wide eyes conveyed the fact he didn't know what really happened.

Matt looked like he had been trampled by a bull. I was ripped from the gruesome scene, by Kyle putting a hand on my shoulder.

"We are lucky you and guys stopped when you did, cause she would have finished it and she wouldn't have stopped it for anyone else" Kyle's voice was barely audible, but the people who needed to hear his words did.

Rogelio nodded solemnly as Lonnie stared at the boy with a mix of confusion and clarity.

She was trying to help me... She just took it too far.

Maybe I should explain to principal Angella? Catra was trying to protect me a I think.

I grabbed my bag and hurried after the bloody prints. I tried to be composed as possible in the lunch room. Everyone's eyes trailed me with venom. As soon as I crossed the threshold and there was a wall between me and their beady eyes, I sprinted to the office.

I yanked open the door to find Angella pacing around the room snatching angry glares from a rather relaxed Catra. She was sitting in a chair resting her arms on her skateboard. Her eyes where blank and unreadable.

Angella turned to me in surprise while Catra jus stared straight ahead.

"It's not what you think" I panted trying to catch my breath, " I was being harassed and Matt was trying to force me to have sex with him" I leaned against the door in a air deprived mess, " Catra was defending me, that's why she fought him, I swear "

Angella exchanged confused glances with Catra and me.

"It would be been easier if Catra just said that instead of being quiet" she sighed ," Fighting is against school policy, but she was defending another student... I can't justify suspending you.... "

Catra looked up finally, she looked afraid but also relieved. She still had his blood on her hands, but I was dry and cracking off by this point.

"Everyone involved in the situation is leaving school early with a call home and has detention for the next week, including you Adora. That is a-"

She was cut off by Catra leaving the office. I nodded at Angella and hurried after her. Her fists where clenched in tight balls. I noticed that fresh blood was leaking from her hands.

"Catra.. Wait up" I jogged to keep up with he as she walked out the front of the school, just as an ambulance pulled into the drive.

She bolted into the woods next to the parking lot just like she did the first time we fought, but this time I followed her.

Her skateboard weighed her down. It was making it hard for her to dodge the twigs and rocks. She eventually made it to a clearing covered by huge old oak trees with a fallen log in the middle. The mall clearing was full of saplings surrounded by a little creak. She hopped over the small creak easily and sat on the log.

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