Chapter 22, Claws.

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Warning homies.

This chapter has homophobia, harassment, fighting, attempted sexual harassment and more slurs/curse words than usual.

I get a lot of people aren't affected by this, but some are, so just a warning to it doesn't hit you like a bus. That's all ❤



Thanks to Bow's little picture he plastered all I've social media, I was getting stared at me more than usual. People kept saying I ruined Adora and a bunch of other shit, even though we are just friends.

Sure we flirt a shit ton, but it's platonic flirting.... Kinda.... most of the time? Imma stop talking.

Either way it was pissing me off, adding a few hundred percent to my already fowl mood.

I wonder how Adora is... Probably shit, she doesn't have thick skin at all. And she is such a people pleaser, she'd die of anyone was mad at her or didn't like her in the slitest.

I was lost in thought as the lunch bell rang. I gathered my stuff up tiredly and stumbled out of the class room slowly after my peers.


The rest of the day until lunch was very slow and filled with bullying. Bow posted the picture of me and Catra on his Instagram and said something about the 'gay panic Chemistry '. I made him take it down by second period but the damage was done.

People kept walking up to me and calling me a fag and a dyke, which fucking sucked. Most guys thought it was so hot, which I don't know why, cause if I was gay, I wouldn't like them anymore.

How can I be a leader of every one hates me?! I wasn't ready to come out, and is full don't really know what I am! Geez how did it slip Bow's mind that half the fucking world follows him?! I swear I'm dead. No way this is real...

I packed up my bags and put my stuff away slowly, still lost in depressive thoughts. Pretty much everyone had filtered into the cafeteria while I just emerged from the dingy classroom a couple doors away.

I really don't wanna deal with this crap today.

Swinging my heavy book filled Nike backpack over my shoulder I started down the hallway. People where already staring at me through the huge red tinted windows surrounding the dining area. I sucked in a deep breath and stepped through the arch, entering what I thought was hell.

I walked as calmly as I could to the back corner where my table was at. All my friends where in the line getting food, and as usual Catra was hell knows where.

Hanging my backpack over my chair and plopping my seat, I realized that after all the recent events, my hunger was practically nonexistent.

I stared at my reflection against the window. My eyes had circles underneath and I wore a scowl that seemed so unnatural on my usually cheery face. I hardly noticed when one of the Baseball players found their way behind me.

Scratch that, our pitcher. He was always hitting on me and shit, it was annoying, but it didn't bother me too much. I turned around slowly and looked up at him.

"Heard you gay.... If you come with me for a few minutes, I bet I can snap that fuckery out of your head. No girl of mine can be a faggy" he smirked and reached for my bicep .

"Thanks, but no thanks Matt. I'm not interested" I jerked my arm away.

" That wasn't a question baby, c'mon...only a little bit, dont be a bitch about this" He grabbed my wrist with crushing strength.

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