Chapter 33, confrontation as shit hits the fan

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The Horde's little entrance was intimidating to say the least. Like really intimidating.

We where down by 3 touchdowns at the half, and it wasn't helping that Huntara was body checking her own blockers to make touchdowns. We where setting up our last play before half time when I heard shouts from the Horde's side.

"FUCKING SCORE ALREADY DUMB ASS" I glanced up to see a scowling Catra flipping me off.

I laughed and flipped her back off, which sent a very tall girl with braids into a fit of laughter. It also sent Horde's captain laughing too, which made me wonder if Catra knew Huntara somehow.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a smack on the back of the helmet from Scorpia.

"Dude, the get ready, we need you to make a play" she mumbled through her mouth guard and took her perch a in front of me.

I got down and dug my cleats in, ready to sprint like my life depended on it.

The ball was snapped. It was in the arms of our quarter back, who gave me a nod. I took off and sprinted as fast as I could down the yard line.

I had only gotten maybe 5 yards a when the ball came sailing to me. I snatched it just like I did in practice, and looked at the chaos before me.

Scorpia had already managed to lay out at least three guys, but the guys covering deep where lower their shoulder ready to barrel into me.

I side stepped on as Scorpia sent another flying, but I still wasn't home free. I could tell that they had players gaining fast, so that's when I kicked it up.

I wasn't a terribly fast runner, but i could kick it up into a high gear for a short amount of time. My vision narrowed as I heard the steps fade softer and softer. I had hardly known I had scored until I felt Scorpia's big body pull mine into a hug. There where cheers exchanged, but I was really just focussed on repaying the oxygen I had lost. Scorpia dragged me to the line as Lonnie lined up a kick.

It was of course, very easy.

Scorpia and Lonnie dragged me back to the bench as I yanked off my helmet. I got pats on the back from my teammates as I chugged water like my life depended on it.

It was all a blur, but at some point I regained all my consciousness and was in the locker room. Hordak was giving some annoying speech as I leaned on Lonnie, who was plugging her nose.

I got off the poor girl and stood up straighter. My oxygen dept was almost completely repaid at this point and the lightness in my head was almost completely gone.

Most people woulda begged to be taken out, but not only am I devilishly good looking, but alas I am also more determined than any person alive. Geez I am such a catch.

I started to giggle to myself as we walked back onto the field.

This game is gonna turn around, I know it.


Bright moon was losing terribly despite Adora's constant touchdowns, the Horde simply had a better offense. No one is a match for Huntara if I'm being honest, but she was having to work for it a little more than usual. Mainly cause Adora kept closing the gap little by little, but there is hardly any chance to score two touchdowns in under 5 minutes.

"C'MON ADORA, YOU GOT THIS BLONDIE" I screamed through a dorky grin.

I blew my girlfriend a kiss which she acted like She caught before she readied herself on the line, ready to make a play. I was about to yell another senseless thing when I got and elbow to the ribs.

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