Chapter 20, floof

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It was going on 11 pm when we finished our last game. Glimmer was making goo goo eyes at Bow the whole time, which was slightly annoying, but I really couldn't judge.

The construction of our pillow fort was halted when Angella walked through the door.She looked really confused but shrugged it off and headed up the massive staircase.

"Just don't burn the house down, I'll be asleep" she yawned as we heard her bedroom door close.

Construction started again. It would have been even more fun if Glimmer didn't have blueprints and wasn't acting like a construction Hitler. It was trieing being the one to haul supplies around, especially when it's almost no blankets. I have no idea how the fuck paint cans went into her design, but it did. I took a break and sat down on the couch next to Catra.

"Hey Catra, how's it going?"

"Fine" she yawned and continued looking out the window.

I sighed and scooter farther away.

Is she mad at me again? Why am I always so useless and pathetic?! Seriously I ju-

"Earth to Adora?" She lifted my chin with her thumb," You okay?"

I was practically choking on my tongue. So I jus nodded a little. She gave me an odd look and put her arm around my shoulder. I couldn't hear anything over the blood rushing in my ears. Here I am sitting on a couch with a literal goddess with her arm around me. I had to stop myself from squealing. When I thought Catra was done trying to kill me, I got a pleasant surprise.

"You can tell me later if you want Princess" she practically growled under her breath in a raspy and sweet voice.

Her face was so close to mine. My face was practically the color of Heins Tomato Ketchup. I but my bottom lip to stop from smiling like a dork.

She still had an Arm wound tightly around me, but was staring outside. The butterflies in my stomach finally won the battle and my stupid grin was plastered on my face.

Sorry everyone ....I might be a little more gay than I thought I was. Cause I defiantly like this way too much.


It's almost like Adora doesn't take hints, but when she does she gets sad, then I feel sad, so I have to comfort her. It's a whole circle that has kept repeating its self all night. I left the fort to get a snack. It was actually a decent fort. As much I really don't like Sparkles, she knows what the fuck is up.

I practically dragged myself to the fort and crawled back inside to my spot a few feet away from Adora. She looked fucking terrible. Her face was getting more and more stained by tears every second. Her brow was furrowed and her lip was moving like a fish out of water. She was shaking too.

Just leave her.

I crawled over.

Why does my body betray me?

"Hey Adora, wake up...It's okay, it's just a dream" I whispered into her ear.

Her eyes fluttered open and looked around the room very confused. Then the settled on me. I smiled as gently as possible for it being 4 am.

She practically pulled me on top of her and have me such a tight hug I could practically feel my spine splintering and floating around my body. I have her dumb hair poor a gentle tap and she released me. She was still crying. Her head was laying on my shoulder.

Maybe the dumb hair poof is actually a release mechanism button.

"Hey princess... It's okay, nothing bad can happen if I am with you" I smiled and played down next to her.

She nodded and and buried her head into the crook of my neck and placed her arm loosely over my waist. She cried for what seemed to be ages, but she finally stopped and went limp in my arms.

Snap out of it! You don't do relationships... It doesn't matter who she is, it's not gonna work.

I could feel sleep pulling me into the dark abyss while I argued with myself. It's hands where As dark as night and my eyelids where slowly shutting against my will.

Maybe it could.....


I woke up the last of every one. Adora was gone, which gave me a tiny panic attack, but I was draped in her blanket. I sighed and dragged myself across the soft probably new carpet of, apparently, Principal Angella's mansion.

The light was blinding when I emerged from the fort. I was met with a rather tired looking Adora drinking coffee like her life depended on it, sitting on the kitchen table. Her hair was messy and her eyes had bags under them. She was wearing my old horde sweatshirt along with the same cargo shorts as yesterday. She smiled at me sweetly and patted the spot next to her.

I smiled back and obeyed.

"Do you want coffee?" She smiled and gestured at the mug in her hands .

"I don't drink coffee" I dead panned, " Tea is better for you "

She frowned slightly and looked into the murky brown water like it was an executioner.

Now She is sad damnit... Just drink the damn coffee.

I sighed," Actually I think I will take some, and by the way, you can keep the hoodie for as long as you want" she perked up immediately and practically slipped over to the coffee maker. She poured a mug of the black sour water and looked at me expectantly.

"Black is fine Adora" I yawned.

She slid it across the table. And smiled proudly of herself when it didn't spill. I could help but smile at her, she was Adorable.

"What are yo so happy about?" She jetted herself back into the table with almost no effort.

"Your cute, that's all" I took a sip of my coffee and shrugged nonchalantly," I see why they call you Adora, cause you're Adorable."

She blushed so much in though she would pop a good vessel. I just smirked and drank the terrible liquid.

Why is this so much harder than it needs to be?! Seriously, every time I try she just acts like a kicked puppy then I have to be nice. And my nice is always too nice! Fucking hell she will actually be the death of me.

What's up Amigas and Amigos. I hope y'all all are doing well right now. I wanted to add some floof and a little more denial. You know just to stir the pot. As always feed back is appreciated very much, cause I kinda suck ass at this. Anyway have a great tuesday, or when ever you read this. Take care and stay safe ❤❤

And the song is "the way you make me feel" by Janelle Monae.

It's the song I listened to while I wrote this shit, and I don't have a feel free to vibe

The Dark Side of Bright Moon (Catradora)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara