Chapter 42, game day part 2

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[(A/n) the thumb nail is an image from the chapter Catra cut her hair. ReaderOfWeirdThings wanted someone to draw something from it and I'm not a good artist, but still, ya know? Please don't roast me 👉👈]


Lonnie lined up her kick and took her steps back. She ran forward, planted her foot and sent the ball sailing end over end where it connected with the rusted score board.

It didn't matter that they got a touch back, Brightmoon was just toying with the opposition at this point. Lonnie was showing off and no doubt taking bets from tRUST the team on what what she could hit. Brightmoon was  57 to 8, and it was almost painful to watch as the scrawny lineman got into position in front of the huge defense before them.

It wasn't their fault either. Brightmoon was good, and their scared, puny center just kept letting the quarterback get sacked. He let the line brake again, causing the poor boy playing quarterback to get sacked and fumble. It was easily recovered and turned back to the beasts that where Brightmoon.

Number one jogged out to the field and took her spot a few feet from the third string freshman quarterback, who really sucked but they let everyone play at this point. She glared at the line in front of her and dug her cleats into the cheap astro turf. The center snapped the ball, causing Adora to spring into motion, quickly grabbing the ball and barreling through the line in front of her. I thought she wouldn't come out the other side of the massive sweaty blob, but sure enough, she emerged from the pile with people hanging onto her for dear life.

She scored an easy touchdown and shook off the boys like they where beads of sweat. The boys walked back to the bench sadly as the clock struck the two minute mark.

Adora stayed on the field for an odd reason. She took a place that the ball spotter usually takes and crouched down.

This is the trick play she was talking about I think...

Lonnie went back for a kick that never came. As soon as the ball was snapped and in Adora's hands she took off, leaping, dead ass just jumping like a frog, over the defensive line to score and easy two point conversion.

"HAHA BITCHES! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND" I screeched into the crowd that was already yelling like maniacs, some people glared but I simply glared back, causing them to shift in the seats uncomfortably.

That's my baby...
Dead ass tho too.

Apparently Double Trouble heard me from their position on the track, because they started laughing and pointing at me. I smirked and gave them finger guns, which they returned sarcastically.

Turning my attention to the field, I saw the final minutes of the game winding down.


The alarm boomed.

The Brightmoon student section hopped the fence happily and rushed the field, followed by a hyped up Bow and surprisingly Mermista. I was running next to Bow and DT when Adora came into view.

Haha! That's my baby!

I sprinted as fast as I could, leaving the mob in the dust and blindsided the blonde. I wrapped my arms and legs around her back, placing a big kiss on her cheek.

"Hey Adora..."

"Kitty?! Did you see me?! I was zooming, dead ass straight up!" She beamed and plucked me off her shoulders easily .

"I sure did, you're gonna give me a run for my money princess. I'm supposed to be the track star, not you!" I laughed as she yanked me into a strong hug, the mob finally meeting us at center field.

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