Coming Back ||1||

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I was a very weak kid. I had no friends, and I was never confident about myself. I only talked to the people I knew and was not comfortable around new people.

Seeing others of my age, talking carelessly and having fun, I always wondered if there was something wrong with me. If I was not normal.

I always felt a little demotivated and discouraged to do anything on my own, and was always dependent on my parents for the smallest of things.

My mother, she helped me a lot. My father and teachers too.

By the age of 14, I had started to built a self confidence I never knew I could have. I started making friends. I started to talk to people about how I actually felt and that really felt good!

For the first time in my life, I started feeling normal.

But soon after, things changed completely for me. My father, he left us for another woman.

It broke me, and mom even more!

She never smiled again.

And one year later, she passed away. Leaving me alone.

Life's never been same again.

When dad left us, I had returned to being that scared, anxious girl all over again. So, the only thing Mom was concerned about then, was my future. And the only thing I was concerned about, was her health.

She was always ill, getting weaker everyday. Her mind wasn't able to digest the fact that her husband of 20 years, whom she loved so much, had left her.

I never saw my father after the day he left us. Not even when Mom passed away and I hate him more than I could ever hate anyone!

He killed my Mom!

And my poor Mom, she couldn't stop thinking and worrying about me even when she was dying!

So one day, she gave me a diary. My life book! She knew how bad I was at making decisions, and how much I needed her. So she wrote everything in that diary, telling me what to do when, if I ever get confused.

She told me use that diary only when I needed it, when I couldn't find the way ahead. But me being her little, obedient daughter, followed everything that was written, with all my heart!

I went to Mumbai, for college, like she had written. At first I wondered, why did she want me to move away from Delhi, I mean, there are some very good colleges in Delhi too. But after sometime, I realized that it was for the best only. I was able to start my life once again in Mumbai, which wouldn't have been possible if I was still in Delhi. So I followed everything else that was written with full sincerity. I visited places that she wanted, did courses that she'd written, I participated in whichever activities she'd suggested, and that all made me a completely new person.

My mumma helped me even when she was gone

The last thing that was written in that diary was to come back here, in Delhi. So I did. But I still don't know why did she want me to come here. What's the reason!

I collected my luggage and exited the airport, and there he was.

Karthik Ahuja.

He was busy in his phone leaning against his car so did not notice me. I walked closer to him and he looked at me.

"Hey" I greeted him with a smile and outstretched my hand for a handshake.

He remained expressionless for a second and then pushed against the car and stood to his full height. To maintain the eye contact which we held, I had to bend my head backwards.

His Little BrideOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant