Rekindeling A Friendship

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Today I got a call from an old friend, Grayson, who I hadn't spoken to in a while. I looked down at my phone in shock, waited a few seconds to answer, and then accepted the call. Before I could even say hello, he said "Hey, I hope I didn't call at a bad time, but I need you to pick up food for my brother and I". I asked what for, and he replied "We're doing a mukbang, and we need someone to get our food". I assumed that he called because I used to be the camera-woman for him and his brother's YouTube channel. I had recently gotten a new job, so I quit working for him. I hadn't spoken to Grayson since I quit a few months ago, so I really wasn't expecting his call. I thought it was convenient that he only called me because he needed help, but I said "Yes, if nobody else is available, I could do it". I took his call as an opportunity to rekindle our friendship, because I really did miss him and his brother, Ethan, but I still felt like I was being used.

I asked him what restaurant he wanted to eat from, and he said "Just McDonalds or something, it's not vegan, but who cares". He verbally gave me a list of food to order, said goodbye, and hung up. I wondered what happened to Grayson being a vegan, but I didn't spend to much time thinking about it. I went to pick up the food, and ordered the 10 burgers he requested. All I could think about was the fact that I was finally talking to him again, because it had been so long since we'd last spoken to each other. I missed our friendship, and I took the favor as an opportunity to get close to him again. Grayson sent me his address, and I headed to his house with the food. When I got there, I knocked on the door and discovered that it was unlocked. I walked into the house with the food in my hand, and saw that he and Ethan had cameras set up, and they were ready to eat.

Grayson greeted me and said "Hey, go ahead and get comfortable while your here, and stay as long as you want". He took the food from my hands, sat it on the kitchen table, came back to me, and hugged me tight. I missed our hugs, he felt softer in the middle this time, but it didn't bother me. We were best friends when I worked for him, and it had been so long since we last spoke. I looked around and noticed that there were cameras set up in the main room. They were set up wrong, so I took the opportunity to fix them. I fixed the camera setup, and jokingly said "I could be your camera woman again, just for today if you guys need it". Grayson smiled and said, "Yeah, we could actually use your help, I hope you can stay a while".

I didn't know if he thought I was serious, or if he was just joking with me, but I decided to stay and help. I turned on the cameras, and they began to record. When I used to work for him and Ethan, I would turn on the camera and sit behind it, but I never paid attention to them. This time was different, I watched them the whole time they recorded. I missed watching how they worked and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They started eating, and talking about memories they had from when they were younger. They'd been recording for two hours, when Grayson looked at me, and shouted me out from in front of the camera.

He said, "That last memory brings me to a few from not that long ago, like last year I think. One of our best friends is here, and I invited her over because we had a lot of fun times". He called me to sit with them, and he introduced me to the camera. I sat between him and Ethan while they ate. Each brother had 5 burgers for themselves, and the were both on their third one. We talked about memories we had, and we finished the video.

Grayson's Belly FunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang