"This Is How I Feel"

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When I got off from work, the first thing I wanted to do was rush to the boys' house. When I got there, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. I was expecting Ethan to open the door, but it was Grayson who did. Instead of inviting me in, he walked me outside, and back to my car. We both got in, and he looked at me in silence. I didn't know what to expect, I was honestly really scared at that point.

He said "Look, I know we just started speaking again, and a lot of weird shit has happened, but I really like you". I was so shocked, I couldn't speak. He continued, "This may be sudden for you, but this is how I feel, and how I've felt for a long time. I've liked you since you first started working with E and I, and lately, I've been missing you. I called you for that mukbang the few days ago, because I wanted to see you. Thank god you agreed to pick that food up, if you hadn't, I would've been really fucking sad". I smiled, and reached over to hug him. I didn't know how I felt about him yet, but I was glad to hear that he cared about me.

We both got out of the car. Grayson invited me in, and I told him I couldn't go inside. He asked  "Why, was that a lot to process? Come in for a drink at least". I agreed and I went inside. Ethan, who was cooking, saw Grayson and I walking in together. He screamed "Bone-fest!", and started laughing. We sat on the couch and Gray asked "You hungry?". I said no, so he got food for himself. It seemed that whenever I was around him, he ate. He brought back his food for, and a soda for me. We sat and talked for a long time, while he ate, and when E was done cooking, he went and got more food.

His appetite was so sexy to me, and I loved watching his stomach full with food, butt I didn't know why. He ate his food, and started to burp. He rubbed and slapped his full belly, and gave me a sexual look. I got up from the couch, walked away, and said "I have to leave... sorry". I walked out of the house, and told him I'd be back tomorrow. I drove home, and immediately went to sleep.

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