A Morning With Gray

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I sat down beside him. I didn't know what was wrong with him, so I asked "What's going on with you, you seem angry". He turned to me and said "Because I am. I'm gonna do this interview, even though I don't know what they'll ask. It's stressful, I have to be mentally prepared, it's literally tomorrow". I laid beside him, and wrapped my arms around him. I knew exactly how he felt, I felt that way about every decision that I'd recently made, but he fixed that. I didn't know how I would fix him, but I wanted to try.

I gently shook his shoulder and said, "It'll be okay, ease up. I'll make breakfast". He smiled at me and sat up too, still naked. I went into the kitchen to make us some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I wanted the day to be relaxing for him, since all of this seemed so sudden. I kept him from all of this for as long as I could, even his brother agreed to help me, and it was my fault that he was exposed to it all at once. I mixed the pancakes, and put the bacon and eggs on the stove. Grayson walked into the kitchen and said, "This smells good. I can't wait to...", I interrupted him because I knew what he was going to say.

I told him, "You don't have to eat for me, you've done that every time you've been around me. I want you to have some time for yourself today, don't bloat yourself up, just focus on your happiness". He nodded and replied, "You make me happy". Once the food was finished, Grayson walked to the stove and made our plates. I was going to do it, but he insisted on doing it himself. He put our food down on the table, then sat beside me. He began eating, he looked at me and said, "This is delicious babe". I smiled at him, happy that he was feeling better.

I asked him, "Is there anywhere you want to go today, or anything you want to do?". He replied "I just want to stay with you, whether that's here or at my house". We finished eating, and he went to sit on the couch. He turned the TV on, and asked me to sit beside him. I got up, and sat in his lap instead. He wrapped his arms around me and said, "I already feel better with you". It felt good to be alone with each other, and not do anything sexual. He hadn't put deodorant on yet, and I could smell his musk, it was gross, but I loved it. I nestled up to him, with my head to his armpit, and we turned on a movie.

We decided to watch Baby Momma, with Tina Fey, it seemed cute and fun. Grayson moved his hands, and placed them on my stomach, almost like he was cradling it. I looked down it and asked, "What are you doing?". Rubbing my stomach, he said "I don't know, I guess I'm just thinking about us being together". I suddenly felt the feelings I felt at the park, all over again. I knew he meant that he was thinking about a family, so I placed my hands on top of his. In the middle of the movie, Grayson's phone got a call.

He removed his hand from my stomach, and reached for his phone. He said "Fuck, it's Ethan. What could he possibly want?". I paused the movie, and Grayson answered his phone. Him and Ethan talked for a while, Grayson seemed annoyed during the call. When Grayson hung up, and told me "E wanted to know where I was. He kept making those dumb sex jokes". He put his hand back on my stomach, and we continued watching the movie. I could tell that he was annoyed again, which wasn't good for his relaxation day.

In an angry tone, he said "I'm gonna go shower and put on clothes. I'll be back babe". I got off of his lap so that he could stand up, and he did. He kissed my forehead and walked to my room, I loved seeing his bare ass when he walked. I yelled, "I like the view!", and he laughed. While he showered, I laid on the couch, finishing the movie. I few minutes later, I heard the shower water turn off, and my bathroom door close. I went into my room, only to find a naked Grayson drying off. He looked at me and asked, "Wanna help?". I nodded, but I wasn't going to do anything sexual with him, just dry him off.

As I dried him off, I noticed that he got hard. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. He asked "What's wrong babe?", I gave him the towel, and told him that I couldn't keep going. I walked out of the room and sat on the couch again. Grayson put on some clothes, and walked into the room. I thought to myself, "I don't just want our relationship to be based on sex, but if this is what it's like to not have sex all the time, then our relationship will be awkward. Maybe this isn't worth it". He sat down beside me and asked, "What's the problem? You act like you can't touch me today".

I replied, "We've only been together for six days, but we've had sex twice.
After the first time we did it, I noticed that you've been acting more sexual towards me. It's almost like we don't love each other, there's only lust". He hugged me and said, "I know what you mean. I'm sorry, you just make me feel so good, I want it all the time". It was almost noon, and we hadn't done anything together at all, I didn't want the day to be boring. Grayson, as if he could read my mind, asked "Do you wanna go to my house? I'd hate to keep you here if you don't wanna be". I agreed, and went to get my car keys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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