Back To The House

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We got up from the table, and walked out of the restaurant. I put the camera back into the car, and got into the backseat. Grayson sat in the front seat on our way to the restaurant, but when we got into the car this time, he sat in the back with me. I asked "Grayson are you ok? You know you sat in the front earlier right?". He nodded, took off his shoes, and laid across the seat. He had his back to the door and his feet on my lap. I would've gotten out of the car and moved to the front seat, but Ethan started driving. I looked over at Grayson and noticed that he was sweating hard. He wiped his forehead, trying to act like he was fine.

I was worried, so I reached for one of his hands. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. Even Grayson's hands were sweaty, so much that it felt like he had just washed them. He looked at me, and I could see that something was hurting him. He took my hand and placed it on his stomach, it was harder than usual, but there were no abs. I pressed down on it, he didn't have abs when I hugged him earlier, so I wasn't expecting to feel any. Grayson winced in pain, let go of my hand, and grabbed my wrist. With full control over my hand, he began to rub it around his stomach.

I thought "Why did I agree to help him today, this is just weird", but I didn't yank back my hand. We remained like this, me rubbing his stomach in the back seat, for the rest of the ride back. When we arrived at the twins' house, I sat Grayson up, and prepared him to get out of the car. Ethan, already at the house, was unlocking the door. Grayson laid his hand on top of mine, still on his stomach, and said "I can't walk, I won't be able to". I didn't care. I wasn't going to be stuck in a car with a guy who was acting like a woman in labor.

I pushed him out of the car and stood him up, which was excruciatingly painful for him. He screamed in agony. I assume Ethan heard him, because he darted from the door to Grayson's side, and supported him when he stood. E and I each took a shoulder, lifted Grayson, and walked him through the open front door. We sat him down on the couch, behind the little table they used when we filmed the mukbang. The smell of burgers was still in the air, which made Grayson feel sick. I repositioned him so that he was laying down, and took off his shirt and socks. "I'll help you however I can, and do whatever you need in order for you to feel better" I assured him, sitting at his feet.

E asked him, "Is there anything you need bro?", and Grayson nodded. He struggled to speak without throwing up, but he pointed to the liter of soda sitting on the table. Ethan picked it up, and handed it to me. He said "He's too weak to hold it himself, or at least he's acting that way, so can you feed him like a baby?". He walked into the kitchen, laughing to cover his shame, and I could see that he was bloated too. He screamed from the other room "That challenge was dumb as fuck!", and then it was quiet. Grayson opened his mouth, trying to hold back a laugh, and waited for me to open the bottle.

It was half empty because they drank some in the mukbang, and it wasn't hard to open. I got up, walked to the other end of the couch, and lifted his head. I sat down, with his torso in my lap, and began feeding him the soda. The more he drank, the bigger his stomach got. I thought that drinking so much soda would make him feel worse, but once he began burping, I was proven wrong. His burps smelled strongly of ginger, with a hint of burned meat. He finished the soda, and I put the bottle down on the floor. He said "Why did I agree to compete with E, we already ate so much before. This always happens, it's so fucking stupid".

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