"I Really Missed You"

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I laughed and said "At least I got it on video. Maybe it'll be some cool content". Grayson smiled and wiggled his toes. He said "I feel better, and I'm shrinking, but there's still some pain". He took my hand and rubbed it on his belly again. I joked "I need to get paid for this shit, cuz taking care of you is a job", and I continued rubbing his belly. We started talking about the memories he brought up in the video. We talked about this one time when we were all at a party, and he thought it would be cool if he did a flip. He attempted a backflip, but he farted in mid-air, which scared him. He fell on his face and we all laughed.

I could still picture how embarrassed he was that night, and I smiled a little. He said "Yeah that was pretty fucked up". With my hand still on his stomach, Gray sat up and moved beside me. He said "I really missed you, I'm glad you came today". I smiled and slapped his gut. He moved my hand, got up from the couch, and went to the kitchen looking for Ethan. I walked in after him, and I was shocked to see both of them shirtless. Grayson was still HUGE, even though his belly went down a bit, and E's abs were long gone. Ethan said "Look how deep his belly button is now", and put his finger in it. Grayson laughed and replied "Yeah, and I can't see my feet".

I walked up to them, removed E's finger from Gray's navel, and playfully rubbed each of their bellies. I noticed that Grayson had developed love handles, so I grabbed one and jiggled it. I playfully said "We look like those maternity photos, and you guys are the pregnant women". They both laughed, and E said "Yeah, Gray's having twins. All we need now are the belly kisses from our baby-momma". I kneeled down, kissed each gut, and then stood up. It was getting dark outside, so I decided that it was time for me to go home. I sighed and said "Well, it's getting late, I should probably go home. I have tomorrow off, so your free to call me if you want".

Both boys walked me to the door and said their goodbyes. I hugged Ethan, said goodbye, and then he walked away. Grayson, on the other hand, hugged me tight, and it lasted a while. His huge belly pressed against mine, and I sucked in my stomach to give his some room. It really felt like I was hugging a pregnant woman, which made it a bit awkward. He released me and stared into my eyes. He said "I'm glad you came today, I really did miss you dude. I know it's been a while since we spoke, but you made today super nice". I softly punched his abdomen, which caused him to fart. I turned around, and started walking to my car. From the door he screamed "Oh, and thanks for helping me with my food baby", and loudly slapped his belly.

I got in my car and drove home. I was so happy that I saw the boys again because it felt like it'd been so damn long since the last time we saw each other. I missed how playful they were, and I was glad that I got to see that again. When I got home, I unlocked my door, and went straight to my room. I took off my clothes and got ready for bed. The day had been so fun and eventful, that it felt so good to finally get some sleep.

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