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I got to work on time, surprisingly, and walked into the building. I never took the time to talk to anyone at work, it paid off because I was doing well at the job, but today they all stared at me. I went to my boss's office to get my assignment for the day, but she stopped me on my way in. She said "There are pictures of you hanging out with the Dolan twins, and they've been circling around news outlets online". I asked what she was talking about, and she showed me some pictures from news websites. There were pictures of us a the steakhouse, and ones with us at the sandwich place. The headlines for the articles were all puns about Grayson being a "Pig Boy" or "Having Twins", and some were saying that I was his "Mysterious NewGirlfriend".

I gasped for air, and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I knew they were considered celebrities, but there were people stalking us without us knowing. I wanted to say so much in that moment, but she stopped me before I could speak. She said "I don't know your connection to them, and I don't really care. All I know is that you need to take pictures of them for me, it would really help business here. We could sell them to major publications, and you could make big money". I told her that I couldn't do that to them, but she said "If you know what's good for you, you will".

I went to my office, and processed what had just happened. I wanted to call the boys and tell them everything, but I knew that it would fuck up everything that we rebuilt in our relationship. I thought about it for a second, and came to the conclusion that they would eventually see the headlines anyway. I felt guilty about rekindling our friendship, because if it weren't for me seeing them, we wouldn't have went out. I also felt guilty for not seeing those damn photographers taking pictures of us.

I pushed my bad thoughts to the back of my mind, and began to work. I had to take photos at a public park because the company wanted some photos of happy people for a magazine. I cleared my head, got hold of a camera, and walked out of the building. I headed to the park, but on my way there I got stuck in some traffic due to a car accident. I called my boss and told her that I would be a little late getting back. I was so happy that I could get a while to actually think.

I impulsively called Grayson, I didn't know why I did it, but something came over me. He said "Hello, what's up?". I didn't tell him about the articles because I didn't know how he would react. I said "Nothing much, I was going on a work assignment, but now I'm stuck in traffic". He asked how work was going for me. The was a moment of silence, and I nervously said "It's going super well, I'm doing really good and I enjoy it". He giggled a little, and I smiled. He said "When you get off I need to talk to you about something, you probably don't know about it, and you might not care, but I need to talk to you about it". I said that I would see him later and I hung up.

I didn't know if he was going to bring up the stuff online or not, and I got nervous, but I didn't focus on that thought. Traffic started to move, and I got to the park shortly after. There were so many happy families everywhere I looked. I started to picture Gray and I with a child, but I didn't know why I felt that way. I never had strong romantic feelings for him, but I'd had a few thoughts about us together before. I walked around asking families if they would want to possibly be in a magazine. The work was easy, I must've taken over 50 photos. I got into my car and headed back to work. The work-day was almost over, so I submitted my pictures, and waited for the day to end.

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