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FERANMI'S EYES widened as she walked into the compound and found her dad's car in the compound. Another sleek Lexus Jeep with an unusual number plate was also parked beside it. Her dad never came home before 6pm.

Feranmi hurried into the house as her eyes widened slightly. Her dad and mom were seated on the soft cushions with serious looks on their faces. Opposite them were two men in black suits and sun glasses.

One of them was talking to her parents and Feranmi found it surprising that she couldn't even read the man's lips. His lips seemed not to be moving but he was talking. She hurried removed her MP3 from her head as she walked towards them.

"Mom, Dad, what's up? What are you doing at home?" Feranmi asked as the two men turned to her.

Feranmi frowned when her parents didn't reply,  "Why the serious face? Did something happen?" Feranmi asked again getting scared. Her parents serious faces were too serious. Something major must have happened.

"Miss Adekola, why don't you have a seat first" one of the men spoke as Feranmi turned to him in surprise.

"Who are you?" Feranmi asked bluntly.

"Oluwaferanmi, take a seat first" Her mom said and her parents made space for her in between them and Feranmi carefully dropped her school bag on one of the cushions while she hung her headset around her neck before seating down.

"How'd you know my name?" Feranmi asked.

"I'm in your house and talking to your parents. Is knowing your name not normal?" The man asked as Feranmi tilted her head and nodded.

Feranmi turned and that was when she noticed a lean figure beside the second man. He was clad in a skye blue shirt and jeans. His brows were perfectly shaped and his lips looked so lush that Feranmi wanted to suck on them right then and there. He turned to her and Feranmi found herself staring at the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen.

Feranmi was never a fan of eyes colour. She had always rolled her eyes whenever Ink talked about guys with different eye colours. The guy charcoal black eyes were surprising beautiful. Feranmi held her breath as she stared at him.

He was hell ass hot!

If Ini was there, Feranmi could bet she'll be drooling and saliva would be pouring our of her mouth. Feranmi chuckled slightly at the thought.

"Miss Adekola, I first want to congratulate you for passing the entrance exam to become a spy" the first man said as Feranmi's eyes widened.

"A.... Spy?" Feranmi stuttered as she regained her composure. She laughed hysterically.

"That was funny and at the same time, its not" Feranmi said finding the whole situation hilarious. She leaned on the armchair before she resumed talking.

"If so when did I take the exam?" Feranmi asked.

"You took it two days ago" the man replied still maintaining a faint smile.

"Two days ago? I didn't... " Feranmi started as she paused in the middle.

"Wait! That ridiculous exam was an entrance exam to become a spy? You've got to be kidding me" Feranmi said and the other man almost wanted to laugh.

Ever since they've been recruiting teenage spies, this girl reaction was the funniest.

"You don't go playing silly jokes on others miser, why are you in my house?" Feranmi asked.

The first man smiled as he reached into his pocket and brought out an ID card.

"My name is Fredrick Osagwe, the current commander of the Nigerian Secret Teenage Spies" the man said as he handed the ID card over to Feranmi.

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