Forty One

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Feranmi didn't stop running till she got to the elevator. She got in the elevator as tears ran down her cheeks. The tears rushed down her cheeks like a downfall and Feranmi sobbed loudly.

As soon as she reached, the elevator opened and she stepped outside. She walked for a while before slumping to the ground and she continued crying.

Why wouldn't he just look at her once? Say nice things to her?  Why did he have to be a cold blooded jerk every time. Why did she still like him despite the way he treated her?

Neon walked out of the camp and looked at the corridor. Seeing the box and Feranmi wasn't in sight. He became alarmed.

"Captain Pentecost" Neon said as he looked at him frantically.

"Its almost midnight" Neon added as Seth pressed the back of his ear.

"Mia, its me. Agent 14 is outside the base alone, please make sure she gets home safely" Seth said as he attempted to walk into the camp.

"Send this to Mia" Seth added as he walked into the camp while Neon sighed.

Worn out and tired, Feranmi walked home. Knocking at the gate, she could hear the gateman jumping around and whispering. Feranmi rubbed her forehead as she leaned on the gate.

"Ahmed, its me. Open the door" Feranmi said weakly and the gateman opened the door.

"Eeein.... Where you come from?" Ahmed asked and Feranmi ignored him as she walked towards the house. She knocked few times on the door and her parents were at the door. Her mom was shocked upon seeing her.

"Oluwaferanmi!" She yelled and Feranmi waved weakly at her.

"Mom, Dad" Feranmi said as her mom rushed towards her, she blackened out.

Mia frowned as she watched Feranmi's parents quickly carry her inside the house. The worry on their faces and in their eyes couldn't be masked.

Standing on the tree of the next door she raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms. After a while, she pressed behind her ear.

"Eyes, package is secure" Mia said and Eyes sighed.

The moment Feranmi had barged out of the base, he had been notified. Her security level had risen with that of a captain so it was only natural. He had been shocked seeing her cry as she ran.

"Just what did Pentecost say or do to her? She fainted" Mia added.

"She fainted?" Eyes asked.

"Wow. Her parents are really cool if you ask me. She would be fine anyways" Mia said as she jumped into the compound soundlessly.

She walked towards the door and knocked and the door opened and Mia bowed her head in greeting.

"This is Feranmi's. She left in an hurry" Mia said and Feranmi's dad collected it before looking at Mia.

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"She had a misunderstanding with her supervising Captain. Its nothing big, its very personal" Mia said and nodded before she moved like a phantom and disappeared.

She walked straight to camp Eight and walked into the camp. Pentecost turned to her and nodded.

"She's fine?" Neon asked.

"She fainted" Mia replied and Seth's eyes widened. Mia sighed as she turned to walk out.

"I don't know what happened between the both of you Pentecost but don't forget that she's a lady, a girl. She's 15. She has feelings, don't hurt her too much" Mia said and saluted before walking away.

"Meeting adjourned" Seth said as he walked out.

"Are you better?" Mrs Adekola asked and Feranmi nodded.

"Yes mom. I am better" Feranmi said as she carried her school bag.

"I'll be off to school" Feranmi added as she walked out. The wind blew her hair against her cheeks as she waited for a bike. She soon saw a bike and boarded it to school.

Everyone was surprised to see her and Ini ran out like a crazed person and jumped on her.

"You bitch! Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I should have made everyone bring placards" Ini said and Feranmi laughed.

"Really? I was avoiding that" Feranmi said as they both walked into the class.

"You are saying you don't want my goodwill?" Ini asked and Feranmi laughed.

"I don't remember saying that. Don't put words in my mouth" Feranmi replied as she sat down laughing.

"How was the trip anyways?" Ini asked and Feranmi nodded.

"It was cool and nice" Feranmi replied and Ini raised an eyebrow.

"It wasn't fun?" Ini asked and Feranmi chuckled as it brought out her textbooks from her bag.

"I can't have fun without you Ini" Feranmi replied with a smile and Ini frowned.

"Did something happen?" Ini asked and Feranmi shook her head.

"You know conferences like that are always jot juicy or eventful. It was dry and boring" Feranmi replied.

"They are truly best friends. She caught on so easily" John Wick said and chuckled.

"So what the hell did Pentecost say to her? She looks awful" Doctor Stone asked and yawned.

Eyes glanced at Seth who was seated at the far end of the room without saying anything. He sighed as he made different close up images.

"What are you asking about? Does Pentecost compliment people? No! What do you think he would say to a newbie who disobeyed him?" John Wick asked and scratched his hair.

"He of course didn't say anything nice" he added as he yawned again.

"Nice people say nice things and vice versa" He said again and Mia chuckled.

"Its been a while since he dragged you for a match. He should very soon" Mia said and John Wick's eyes widened alarmed.

"What do you mean? I didn't say he wasn't a nice person. I was just stating facts" John Wick defended.

"Of course and its a a fact that you are gonna get beaten a lot" Mia said and everyone burst into laughter.

"Either ways, she doesn't look good. I heard she fainted when she got home yesterday"

"That's isn't Pentcost's fault. She trained really hard for the assessment"

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