Twenty Two

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Feranmi opened her eyes and she felt an headache. The previous day events came rushing towards her.

Feranmi as she remembered that she had fallen asleep. She turned to her side and found tablets and a bottle of water.

She smiled lightly as she sat up and took it. She peeled her clothes off and took her bath. She hurried wore her uniform and stepped out of the room.

Feranmi soon discovered that everyone was looking at her and laughing. She checked herself and couldn't find anything funny.

Neon burst into laughter the moment she entered the camp. Feranmi smiled and folded her arms.

"What's funny? Everyone has been laughing since" Feranmi said as Dotun pursed his lips.

"You don't remember anything?" He asked as alarm bells rang off in Feranmi's head.

"I slept off right?" Feranmi asked and Neon nodded.

"Some minutes later you woke up" Neon said as Feranmi winced.

"I didn't do anything extreme bah?" Feranmi asked as Joker and Dotun burst into laughter.

Lee also burst into laughter and Feranmi found Maria glaring at her.

"You did something very daring" Neon said as he tapped on the glass wall and a video started playing.

Feranmi looked at the screen and watched how she stood up and started dancing with PH and she turned red with embarrassment.

Neon tapped her laughing "Its not yet time to be embarrassed my dear" Neon said as Feranmi pushed his hand away.

Feranmi continued watching and her eyes widened when she started talking about Seth. Her eyes continued bulging while everyone was laughing hard.

Neon already had tears running down his cheeks and Joker was holding his stomach.

Feranmi was tomato red by the end of the video. She blinked her eyes rapidly. She wanted to find a hole and bury herself, she even wanted to cry but the tears refused to come.

Feranmi turned and watched the laughing people and swallowed her saliva. Her legs wobbled when she saw Seth sleeping the far end of the room.

He sat up immediately and both eyes met. Feranmi dropped her head immediately.

She really wanted to die.

Seth stood up and everyone shut up instantly. Neon pursed his lips and Dotun tried to wear a straight face.

"Change into your normal clothes" Seth said and Feranmi turned to him.

"We are going somewhere" Seth said as Neon shot up from his seat.

"Cap!" Neon yelled as Seth turned to him.

"She's good already. She needs the experience" Seth said as he turned to Feranmi.

"Hurry up" he said as he walked out.

Dotun turned to her "Wear your combat shoes though, tight jeans, tight at her ankles but free at the laps" Dotun said as Feranmi hurried back to her room and change into her army trousers and a black top.

She hurried back to see Dotun and Seth at the elevator. Dotun was wearing jeans trousers and green combat boots.

Seth didn't change and only changed his top, yet he looked like a model by just leaning on the wall. Feranmi swallowed her saliva as she approached them.

They stepped into the elevator and it shot up at the speed Feranmi couldn't decipher. Feranmi blinked; it was as if the elevator was faster than normal.

They soon reached the surface and Feranmi watched as they passed through another door outside.

A black Range over was parked there. Seth got into the front seat while Dotun got into the drivers seat. Feranmi quickly opened the back door and got in.

Dotun ignited the car and also sped off. Feranmi watched as how Seth leaned back in his chair and rested his head before closing his eyes.

Feranmi pouted her lips, he was always sleeping. She looked outside and sighed. She had about two  weeks to go before her so called science seminar would come to an end.

"Damn you" Seth murmured and Dotun chuckled by the side.

Feranmi watched as Dotun drove towards a black gate. He horned before a man in black suit walked out.

Dotun flashed him a card and the gates opened. A small house was inside and Feranmi frowned at the house. Surprisngly, a lot of cars were parked inside telling Feranmi that it was not an ordinary house.

Dotun parked and they got down. Seth walked in front, one hands in his pocket while he used the other to rub his forehead.

Feranmi discovered it was a tea house when they stepped inside. Seth approached the counter and the lady at the counter eyes widened upon seeing Seth.

Dotun gave her a small smile which she returned as they walked past her. Feranmi watched as she brought the telephone to her lips and said a few words.

Feranmi watched as they stepped into a room and Dotun closed the door before pulling a lever. Feranmi scoffed at the thought that the room was actually an elevator.

She wondered what these people had to do with underground business. The place they were going was apparently not that far from the ground as the room soon stopped.

The door opened and Feranmi watched as they stepped into a large arena where people where shouting and screaming unto of their lungs.

Feranmi froze on realizing that it was an underground fighting base. She thought these things only existed in movies!

"Go register her. One million" Seth said to Dotun as he stared at the ring in the middle of the wide arena.

Feranmi watched the ring too with fear in her eyes. Two men were fighting and clawing at each others throat.

Feranmi swallowed her saliva as one of them grabbed the other's neck and started strangling him. She watched as the other struggled and flayer his arms.

Just when Feranmi thought he was going to die. He grabbed the hands of the other man and turned twisting it making the latter release the grip on his neck.

Feranmi released a sigh of relief. The man rushed towards the other and didn't try to strangle him like he did to him.

He grabbed his head and broke his neck. The man fell to the ground with a thud, dead. Feranmi's hands flew to her mouth in shock.

The man was dead.

She turned to Seth who continued to look at the scene with emotionless eyes. Everyone was screaming and hailing the man.

"Captain.... " Feranmi started.

"Seth" Seth said cutting her off.

"Where are we?" Feranmi managed to ask, her voice quivering with fright.

"A L&D ring" Seth replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Feranmi snapped.

"A Life and Death ring" Seth replied.




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