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"I don't know what you are talking about" Feranmi replied firmly.

"Of course you don't know" another voice answered.

"You just found yourself in a shop and you still walked around all comfortable"

"Girl, I want you to know that we are serious and we know what we are doing"

"Don't try to play any tricks on us. Now answer me,  how did you get to the shop?"

Feranmi remained quiet without saying anything. She heard the figure stand up and a punch landed on her stomach.

Feranmi yelled in agony and spat out blood. Alarm bells rang off in her head, these people meant business. Another slap landed on her face and Feranmi fell all her teeth remove.

"How did you get into the shop?" The man asked again as he punched Feranmi again.

"Don't kill her with your punches" another voice said.

"Since she won't talk, bring them here" the voice added.

Feranmi was in agony. It was as if all her organs had ruptured together. Every where in her body was aching. She continued to spit out blood.

"Feranmi! What's going on?! What are you doing here?"

Feranmi's head snapped up as she heard Ini's voice. She tried to itch closer towards the voice.

"Ini? What are you doing here?" Feranmi asked alarmed.

"Aren't you supposed to be abroad?" Ini asked.

"What are you doing here?" Feranmi asked.

"What do they want from you? Quickly tell me and let's go" Ini said her voice exparated.

"Let my best friend go, she has business with me" Feranmi bellowed.

"Ohh, you think its just your best friend?"

"Bring them here"

Feranmi went alarmed "Who else are you bringing?" Feranmi asked.


"Sweetie are you okay?"

"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?"

"Baby, are you okay?" Her mom asked.

"You jerks! You should be ashamed of yourselves! Using my loved ones to threaten me!" Feranmi yelled.

"That's the only option we have without killing you but if we don't have any option, we'll have to kill you. We can always find someone else"

"Don't touch me" Ini screeched.

"What are you doing to her?" Feranmi screamed.

"How did you get into the shop? You have ten seconds or you'll lose your best friend"

"Shut your mouth"


"Feranmi just tell them how you got into the shop" Ini screamed.


"I don't want to die yet!"

"She has no business with this"



"4, 3"

"Feranmi, I don't want to die yet"

"1 time's up sweetie"


Feranmi jerked up from her chair trying to stand up.

"Inioluwa! Inioluwa! Fuck you bastards! Fuck you" Feranmi cursed as tears ran down her cheeks. She had just killed her best friend, her best friend died because of her.

Feranmi wondered if she was the only one who got killed. She wondered if they had noticed she was missing already.

"Save your curses sweetie because your parents are next"

Feranmi's eyes widened "Don't touch my parents" Feranmi cursed.

"Baby, we'll be fine" her dad said as Feranmi shook her head.

"I'm too young to be an orphan" Feranmi yelled.

She heard a scuffle then silence.  "What's going on?" Feranmi asked when she didn't hear any noise.

"Like daughter like parents, they did raise you well. To prevent us from using them as bait for us, your mom just scuffled with one of my men for his knife and killed herself and her husband"

Feranmi yelled loudly "Mommy! Daddy!" Feranmi bellowed as hot tears ran down her cheeks.

"So now, are you ready to tell us how you got into the shop?"

Feranmi laughed manically "Tell you? Just kill me because I have nothing to lose" Feranmi replied laughing as tears ran down her cheeks.

She had killed all the people close to her just like that. Her life was going to end just like that as well. Since she was blindfolded, she couldn't even take one last look at her dead parents and her best friend.

Feranmi felt uncomfortable at the silence and she tried to look around. She left someone walk up to her and loosen her arms and legs. Her blindfold was also removed.

"Agent 14, we officially welcome you to Nigerian Teenage Secret Spies"

Feranmi blinked as she took in her surroundings. She was in a closed compartment. E and a few other agents were also in the room.

Feranmi turned and saw a lot other agents looking at her with smiles. She wasn't kidnapped?

"Where are my parents and Ini?" Feranmi said sending the place into silence.

"They are fine wherever they are. Those voices you heard are automated voices" E replied.

Relief washed over Feranmi as she stood up and turned to E. She turned and gave him a round about kick that sent him to the floor. She didn't allow him to register what was happening before jumping on him.

She sent different punches to him and E threw her off him before they started exchanging moves. On a normal day, Feranmi was no match for E who was experienced but her anger allowed her to exchange few moves with E before he sent her crashing to the floor.

"Don't you ever threaten me with my parents or Ini ever again. Don't you dare!" Feranmi yelled her eyes red.

"Fuck whosoever came up with such an assessment. Do you even care about how I would feel if such a thing was used against me?"

"I felt like I was going to be an orphan. I had lost the only real friend I had in the world. Do you even know why I agreed to be in this shit? "

"So that I'll have enough power to protect them. And the next thing you do is try to use them against me? "

"I guess this is your own way to check if I can really become a real agent, fuck it. If this is what you are gonna be doing, Guess what? I want out. I want no more of this stupid shit!"

"Damn it!" Feranmi screamed as she kicked the table in her front away.

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