Twenty Nine

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"Stop asking for the Captain. You can't find him if he doesn't want you to" Neon said after a while.

"Captain Neon" Feranmi called out tears brimming in her eyes.

"Just look anywhere you might find him" Neon said as he stood up and walked out of the room. He knew she just won't find him anywhere, she would definitely find him.

He smiled lightly; maybe it was all for the best.

Feranmi ran out of the camp looking everywhere. She didn't ask anyone for Seth's whereabouts and just looked around.

It was already getting towards late afternoon yet Feranmi wasn't looking. Her stomach growled a little as she hadn't eaten.

Feranmi rubbed her stomach as she searched inside her pocket for any spare change but found none. The dining was so faraway and she was tired.

She leaned on the wall before sliding to the floor sighing heavily. The way others were acting told Feranmi that she had something to do with Seth's disappearance.

But she didn't understand why he would disappear because of her. He didn't even like her! She didn't take Frost's words to heart at all.

She placed her head in her blossom and tried to clear her mind. After the assessment, they would be given their first mission.

Feranmi wondered what her first mission would look like. She couldn't screw it up. She was still thinking of the department she should go.

She was skilled in almost every department. Maybe she could be a field agent. Being a field agent put her life at risk, she would go on dangerous missions and all but she was sure she could pull them off.

Feranmi adjusted her head and placed them on her knees as she stared into sleep. Her lack of sleep kicked her in and Feranmi felt drowsy.

Before long she was sleeping in the middle of the hallway. Luckily for her, many people were locked in their camps and preparing for the upcoming assessment.

Eyes placed his head on his palm as she turned towards Seth whose eyes was fixed on Feranmi's sleeping figure.

"Don't you think you should go and see her now?" Eyes asked as Seth turned to him and turned back to the TV.

Eyes blinked his eyelashes slowly as he stared at Seth. He smiled and placed his hand on Seth's face.

"Its okay" He said slowly and Seth nodded and Eyes removed his hand.

"Want a hug?" Eyes said spreading his arms wide.

Seth glared at him as he stood up "Send someone to her" he said before walking back into Eyes cabin.

Eyes dropped his hands and laughed "Sore loser" he murmured as he turned towards the figure.

"Open a blank screen" Eyes commanded.

"Whose on surveillance?" An agent asked.

"From now on, Agent 14 surveillance is now ranked Green" Eyes said as everyone listened in shock.

"Captain Eyes, agent 14 is...... "

"Britain, I give out an order, you follow it. No questions" Eyes interrupted.

"Sir, yes sir!"


Eyes rolled his eyes at the screen when he saw Seth walking towards Feranmi calmly.

"Thought he wasn't going to go" Eyes murmured.

Seth bent down in front of Feranmi who was sleeping soundly. He stared at her for a long time before he slowly brought out his hand to caress her face.

He missed her.

Her annoying yet pretty face, her cheesy yet funny jokes, he liked the way her mouth pulled tivther whenever she was pouting. Her eyebrows had become fuller and Seth was sure she hadn't trimmed it in awhile.

He hadn't seen her in a week and it was close to hell for him. He had planned not to come see her but after seeing her through the camera, the urge to see her was overwhelming him.

Eyes had helped the raging emotions by covering his eyes a little. Seth had planned to go and sleep but her sleeping figure kept appearing in his head.

He knew he just had to see her. Against his wishes or thoughts, he had gone to see her. His heart was slightly calm and he put one of his hands under her legs and the other at the back of her neck as he carried her off the floor.

He frowned immediately seeing how light she was?  She refused to hear news about her or look at her through the cameras so he didn't have an idea about how she was doing.

Although Stone had talked a few times about her training vigorously. She had to: the assessment was coming.

Seth turned and started walking towards her room. Feranmi felt herself being scooped up in someone's arms and inhaling the ever familiar  scent, she calmed down and snuggled more into the person's embrace.

She pressed her head into Seth's chest while trying to inhale his scent. It was so unique that no matter how much perfume he used, she could still identify the scent on him.

Feranmi opened her eyes slowly as saw Seth's emotionless face. She smiled a little as she held on to his uniform.

Even though it was a dream, she didn't want to wake up. Seth was carrying her in his arms? She definitely didn't want to wake up.

Seeing how she missed him terribly she snuggled more into his embrace.

Seth walked into her room and placed her soundlessly on the bed. He covered her with a blanket and sat down while watching her.

Feranmi slowly opened her eyes and looked around and found herself in her room on her bed. She looked around and saw some other agents in the room talking loudly.

Feranmi rubbed her forehead. She remembered she clearly slept off in the hallway. She remembered her dream and her eyes light up.

Did Seth really carry her to her room?

"Senior May, I don't know how I got here?" Feranmi asked scratching her head.

"Do you perphaps know who brought me here?" Feranmi asked.

"Yeah. Some agents of the weaponry department found you asleep near their door so they brought you here" May replied as Feranmi's small smile dropped.

"Ohh" Feranmi said.

"I know the assessment is coming up but don't push yourself too hard" May added as Feranmi nodded and walked back to her bed.

It was a dream after all.

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