Forty Seven

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Seth wore a blank face as he tied his combat boots laces. Picking up the small box Lin had given him he walked outside the camp is large strides.

Everyone watched as Lin helped Zayn tie his boot laces. Everyone saluted and made way as Seth arrived. He looked around as he turned to Neon.

"Is the plane ready?" He asked and Neon nodded.

"Pilots on standby" Neon replied ad Moon moved closer to Feranmi.

"Did I just hear plane?" Moon whispered and just as Feranmi wanted to reply, Seth turned towards them.

"This is also a form of training. You have to watch carefully and learn" Seth said as he tapped Lin on the shoulder.

"He'll be fine with me" Seth said as Zayn grinned widely at Lin before standing beside Seth. The floor beneath them suddenly open and flipped upside down.

Moon and PH shrieked in shock as everyone turned to them. 14, Blue and Mimi could only look in shock as Lin glanced at them before scoffing.

"Move to the watch tower. Do watch this operation well as it can be created and you'll be asked to do the same thing they are going to do" Lin said as he walked away.

The girls rushed into the watch tower as they took their seats. Each wearing its own ear piece and watching the huge screen carefully.

"Hey" Zayn called as Seth turned to him while adjusting his hand gloves.

"You miss Lin already?" Seth asked and Zayn laughed.

"Let me ask you that. Weren't you excited to see her? You don't look happy in the least. Even though I know that your face and your heart has no correlation at all" Zayn replied as Seth pursed his lips.

"What if I was excited to see her? What am I supposed to do? Wear a huge smile? Pull her for a hug? Tell her I miss her? Oh maybe kiss her? Its fine that she's back. That's okay" Seth said.

"Pentecost, Zayn, you'll be dropping in twenty seconds" Eyes voice could be heard in their eyes as the back door of the airplane started to open.


Seth stood up as he stuck the box to his side watching how the back door opened slowly. Zayn stood beside him as the wind blew his hair crazily around him.

"This is gonna be fun" Zayn yelled and Seth chuckled.


"Just stop counting already because I'm going to jump right now" Zayn said as he jumped out of the plane.

He started falling with great speed but the latter wasn't bothered and just crosslegged in mid air. Seth sighed before jumping, no signs of anxiousness or worry on his face as he fell towards the earth with great speed.

Both of them soon reached the same pace and Zayn turned to Seth who turned to him before they both pressed a button on the box. Balloons erupted from each sides keeping them up as they started deflating the balloons as they slowly landed.

They both landed in a slightly thick bush and Seth tapped on his box. It broke into four pieces and one of the pieces expanded into a sniper gun, one other expanded into a smaller gun.

Both looked at each other before walking out of the bush steadily making not even the slightest sound. Since the bushes weren't tall; they were able to make out an uncompleted building in front of them.

They both bent down immediately as Zayn turned to Seth.

"To hide him near the edge of the Sambisa forest, they sure thought about it a lot" Zayn said and Seth raised his eyebrow.

"They probably just got here. The journey from where they kidnapped him to this place is at least 8 hours, so they traveled overnight. Probably got here early in the morning" Seth said as Zayn cocked his gun.

"Such heavy security even in this bush" Zayn said as he wore a delivish smile.

"I feel like I'm really going to have fun" Zayn added as Seth turned to him. Seeing the tree beside them, he stretched to his full length as he walked towards it.

"Go on, I'll cover for you" Seth said as he leapt and caught a branch and climbed the tree. In a blink of an eye, he had climbed the tree and found a perfect position for himself.

Zayn stood up as well as Seth touched his ear "Eyes, we are going in" Seth said as Zayn started walking towards the house, his gun on his shoulders.

Seth pursed his lips as he started shooting. Every place he shot at somebody fell. Zayn wore a smile as he walked into the building. The ones inside must have heard the commotion as some of the rushed outside.

It was then Zayn started shooting ad he walked further. He stopped seeing the numerous guns pointing at him and a gun being held to the head of an older man in blue kapala.

"Who are you?" One of them asked and they all showed surprise seeing a boy all alone in front of them.

"Drop your gun or else, I'll blow his ducking brains off" the one holding the gun to the Minister's head bellowed as suddenly Zayn heard a splattered and the guy's brains had been blown out.

"You shouldn't say such horrible words in case they happen to you" Zayn said as the turned to the stunned crowd with a smile.

"Give him to me, shall we?" Zayn asked as one of them pursed his lips.

"Kill him!" He bellowed as white gas suddenly spread in the room as Zayn wore a small smile as he moved in the white gas without any problem.

Two different pair of hands grabbed the slightly fat man who was already dizzy before they leapt outside.

"Throw down the ropes" Seth bellowed as they ran with gunshots following them closely.

Ropes fell from the sky as both Zayn and Seth held onto it both still holding the Minister firmly. The ropes went higher till they landed in the plane.

Seth sat down as Zayn glared at the Minister "Man, you eat too much" Zayn said as his eyes widened.

"Pentecost!  You are bleeding" Zayn yelled.

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