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The party started late in the night and almost everyone was in attendance. They used a separate huge hall and loud music was blaring in the hall.

Feranmi sat down at the back alone looking around as the agents talked excitedly among themselves.

Apparently, no one had signed up for the elite team among the girls and the three boys had signed up for it. The girls had the better results than the boys so it was rather a funny occurrence.

Feranmi poured herself another cup of drink as she poured it in her mouth in one go. She was going to become more irritable it she stayed in the NSTS any longer.

So she had packed up and planned to go home that very night after the party. Tat had even told her she could go since she had finished her mission.

Frost was out on a mission and Tat had few assignments to do so he couldn't come and even at that; Feranmi didn't think she could open up about Seth to him.

She had even forgotten to ask him about any organisation that might know about the NSTS. The music changed to one of Naira Marley's song and Feranmi rolled her eyes.

It was funny how she liked a few of his songs and yet hated the singer so much. She placed her head in her palm and watched as Moon and the other girls talked freely and happily.

Feranmi made a mental note to apologise to her personally before she went home. And the very reason why she was still seating in the hall drowning herself with drinks she didn't know.

After much practice, her alcohol tolerance had gone pretty much high. She could drink a few bottles and still be able to fight without any problem.

Feranmi looked at the empty bottles beside her and scoffed at herself. She stood up and walked up to Moon who pursed her lips upon seeing her.

Mimi and Blue also walked towards her while PH sat down clutching her cup and looking downwards.

"I'm sorry for being cold to you guys earlier. I have things going on" Feranmi said with a smile and Moon nodded.

"I guessed as much" Moon replied.

"Are you okay?" Blue asked and Feranmi nodded.

"You know we are friends. You can always share whatever is bothering you with us" Moon said.

"I don't want to" Feranmi said as she walked towards PH.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier" Feranmi said and PH nodded solemnly.

Feranmi pursed her lips as she turned towards the girls, "I'll be going home now" she said as PH stopped her.

"Let's exchange numbers" PH suggested and Moon quickly brought out a pen and a jotter.

Feranmi scribbled her number on the jotter and slipped her hands into her pockets.

"We'll call you. Bye" Moon said and Feranmi waved her hands as she walked slowly out of the hall.

Outside the hall, it was as if there was nothing going on inside the hall. There was no noise or anything. It was then Feranmi realised the hall was sound proof.

She slowly walked to her dormitory and changed into jeans trousers and a yellow top. She carried her box and arranged her bed and her uniform into the wall locker before locking it with the code.

Feranmi found herself walking through the hallway towards the camp. She placed her hand on the scanner and the door slid open. She entered dragging her box and surpringly, they were all inside the camp seating around a table she hadn't noticed before.

There were a few things showing on the screen that Feranmi did not understand.

"You are already going home?" Lee asked and Feranmi nodded.

"At this time?" Dotun asked and Feranmi shrugged.

"It's past 11pm 14, would you even see a taxi outside?" Joker asked.

"You don't seem okay, are you alright?" Jack asked as Feranmi slid her hands into her pockets and walked towards the table.

"What is this about?" She asked as Neon rubbed his forehead.

"Our next mission" Neon replied and Feranmi's eyes went to Seth who was swiping through his glass tab without saying anything.

"What is it about?" Feranmi asked after swallowing the lump in her throat.

"There's no need, you won't be joining the mission" Seth replied and Feranmi turned to him and realised he still had his eyes on his glass tab.

"Excuse me?" Feranmi asked with a frown.

"Go to sleep. You'll go home tomorrow, it's late and it's dangerous" Seth added.

"Why do you even care?" Feranmi yelled startling everyone.

"Just keep your eyes on your glass tab and let me do what I want. I passed my first mission which means I can now take on any mission. And two, I go home when I like it has nothing to do with you!" Feranmi added as Seth dropped his glass tab and turned to her. His brows furrowed.

He stared at Feranmi before rising to his feet and walking from where he was seating, he walked towards Feranmi and took her hand before dragging her outside.

Neon sighed as he rubbed his head "I knew it would come to this" he said.

"What's wrong with you?" Seth asked with an expressionless face and Feranmi pursed her lips.

"Do I look like I am not fine? There's nothing wrong with me" Feranmi replied.

Seth nodded as he looked at her "It seems like I have been going easy on you, that's why you had the audacity to raise your voice at me. Did you forget who I am?" Seth asked in a menacing voice.

"This is why I hate having newbies under me. They take liberty for license. Just because I don't say anything to doesn't mean I allow it!" Seth added as he rubbed his forehead.

"I went too easy on you, that's why you turned out this way. From now on, you follow whatever I say or you get lost" Seth said and Feranmi felt tears rushing to her eyes.

"You are a jerk!" She screamed as she burst into a race.

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