2|| Home sweet home

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"What the hell?" I screeched . "You really think you can kidnap me in my OWN freaking home?"
I'm disgusted at his actions who does he think he is.

"Well for starters , I swear your mother said that you live alone you're going to your own home tonight." He snickered.
Why the heck was he laughing.

Just as I finished speaking, once again, we locked eyes. Unintentionally.

The roughness and harshness was still there. I could also sense some sort of emotion... But i couldn't figure it out easily, he was too complex.
Was it anger? Was it pain? Sorrow?

"you're staring." He observed, still staring back at me.

What on Earth is he trying to do to me? This is eye manipulation, i'm certain of it.

"So are you." I scoffed, moving my eyes away, once again.

He backed out of my face but kept his eyes locked with mine.

Wow I'm surprised he actually listened.

"Well  Carvie , I will get out of your face now , but I'm sorry to break it to you, I'm staying at your place for the next few days ." He said unamused.
Who gave him permission to call me the awful nickname my mother calls me . AND WHAT ? staying at MY HOUSE ? He's probably just winding me up .

"Before you start going phsycopath on me , it wasn't my decision it was your fathers ."
Why did my FATHER think he had the RIGHT to call strangers to my place without even informing me?

I don't want to live with a freak who has anxiety." He spat as if the words meant nothing.


I didn't even respond to him .
How could he use my insecurities against me . How low can someone get in life ?

Just as I turn the knob of my bedroom door, Jayson calls my name. Jayson. I still need to thank him for last night but I am not In the mood right now.

"Erm Hope?" He calls me his voice soft and gentle . How did he even get to know my name?

"Y-yeah?" I stammer while responding to him . He rushes towards me probably because he can tell that I'm crying.
"Oh my god are you okay?" He murmured, worried.
Well duh genius does it look like I'm freaking okay.
I shouldn't be taking my anger out on him.

Instead I just blurt out "I'm as good as a door nail." .
What the heck. that doesn't even make any sense!

He looks at me still concerned while his adorable emerald eyes search mine. I can't even think straight right now. This is the first boy I've felt like this about.
Mental note : try not to mess this up.

"Jayson, can you come in my room for a sec?" I manage to say without stammering. Confused , he nods and comes in. I notice the way he shrugs his shoulders while he walks and his fluffy black bangs that fall in front of his eyes that he pushes back while is hands are at both sides of his jeans.

"Yeah what's the matter Hope" he says concerned.
"How does he even know my name" . I thought .
Not realising I thought aloud, he answered with "I asked Em." while his cheeks turned crimson and blushed.

"I just wasn't in a good mood." I said glancing towards him, hoping he understood what i was referring to.

"It was absolutely no problem, I understand. Having to live with Axel, who is my bitch of a brother, sucks." He remarks.

Wisps Of Hope (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now