8|| Life really is full of surprises.

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"Amal?" I called waiting for a response.

"What is it Hope?" She mumbled which seemed like her voice was coming from my conservatory.

Mental note: don't make her uncomfortable.

I walk into the conservatory and find her looking more dismal and distressed than ever. Her hair was now taken out of her scrunchie, her cardigan was thrown on the side of the chair while her side bag was sprawled across the floor. I now sense frustration in her eyes rather than the normal joy that she normally carries around with her, which I've never seen her let go of until now.

Her character is never somber. This isn't normal for her.

"Hey Amal, I-"

She cut in half way.

"Don't even pity me Hope please" she mumbles while raising her hand in defence.

I know the feeling. So I'm not even going to argue with it.

I take in a deep breath.

"Listen, I know our friendship is still blooming and that I'm most likely not the best person to speak to on however you're feeling, but I just need you to know you can trust me no matter what. I'm not going to force you to do anything so don't feel obliged to."

At this, Amal vigorously swipes her palms against her cheek removing the tears that were flowing.
Then gave me her full attention.

"Hope it's not that I don't trust you. It's that I feel pathetic on the reasons why I'm crying. It's honestly so pathetic like who the hell cries because of a boy?" She whines while burying her face in her knees.

At this I couldn't help but smirk.

"Honestly Amal? More girls cry over boys than you would think."

"No! Not like that. This boy I'm crying about. He's so ugh. I didn't even ask for his presence in my life and somehow , he keeps finding his way back to me. I get it....gods plan." She explained.

"Oh for heavens sake don't quote Drake on me Amal!" I teased.

"Shutup Hope this is a serious matter." She attempted to say with a straight face but ended up smiling.

I knew I could get it out of her.

"Aaaanyways Hope. Unfortunately , this guy seems like he needs to get a life of his own but..." she pauses . "UGH MAN YUSUF FRICK OFF."

Oh she sure is infuriated.

In an act of shame , she cocks her head up to face me and roughly pinches her cheeks.
"Oh fuck this Miss Carvela , you probably have so many questions now. My stupid ass mouth can't shut the hell up."

"Amal. I don't know what happened. But like I said I have no right to interrogate you In any way at all." I say reassuringly.

"I want to tell you though. I need to get it out of my system because If I don't I'm going to beat his ass and tell his mother to punish him... I'm joking I'm not that evil."

"At your own pace Amal. At your own pace."

She sits up straight,
"Okay fine! I'm just going to tell you because I need to."

"Yusuf.. AKA Axels companion or friend or whatever , as you might be able to tell , i know him. I'll just tell you recent events. Long story short he came to my moms boutique with his bratty miss mean girl sister. His mom told him to go with her. Coincidentally I was helping my mother at the boutique that day and my mother told me to accompany him and his sister. When she went to get his sisters clothes which took like AGES for some pathetic reason, and let's just say he likes to trigger me and tease me for no goddamn reason.When he does it I have the urge to kill him whilst he just smirks with that stupid little sly grin on his chiselled face and UGH. WHY HOPE why. Why am I describing his damn appearance to you. For gods sake I hate him so much."

Wisps Of Hope (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now