3|| Unexpected

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The picture above was done by a wonderful person who had supported me so much on this book ! MJ I love you ! mjdora03
Hoping you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it !
Amelia X

Jace has left the room and I'm now stuck in a deep hole in the middle of the ocean . Okay not literally the ocean . My room . How am I going to deal with these people for two whole weeks.

Without even realising, I drift into a long sleep.

I woke up when dusk creeped in with the morning light hitting my eyes due to the curtains being slightly open . Another day of torture . Great . Absolutely wonderful!

I groan into my pillow then shoot up from bed and make my bed . I'm not like other teens I like to keep my surroundings prim and proper and back home I would never let Em clean my room for me because I have issues and I like to do things my way . Believe me , I know this OCD is unhealthy but I just can't help it.

When I check the time it's only 8am . Perfect. I'm ahead schedule!
As i stroll across the corridor down the stairs, I get a notification on my phone and guess who from . UGH . That Britch Tasha that's who.

It reads:

Hey Hope lovely! How are you! Are you okay ! I know you don't like talking to me but because I'll know you have read this message I will know your on your phone which is a good sign! If you want I'm in the area and we can have a coffee !

She actually seems desperate for a 22 year old . What is it with all the bloody exclamation marks? I recall once me and Noah were doing school work , and I completely forgot what exclamation marks were so I called them exclamation shots and he teased me about it for ATLEAST a year . Gosh the thought of him makes me so happy .

I re-read the message and see that she says she's in the area . What the hell must she be doing here . She doesn't even live here for starters.

As I walk into the kitchen I see Ax-freaking-el sat at the table , his back facing towards me while his jacket defines the shape of his back . I know my thoughts don't make sense but whatever. Due to the dim lighting I notice his curls aren't only one shade but there are different highlights of brunette and blonde in there which can alter depending on the lighting . I also can tell that they haven't been dyed or anything it's natural . Wow . Okay why was I analysing his hair .

Now how am I going to eat my breakfast while he's sat at the table for gods sake.

I did everything inside of me to ignore him and carryon as normal and sat down at the table on his left but slightly away from him . He just sat there straining his eyes at his iPhone as if he was reading an article like "anonymous reveals their face" . That isn't a real article by the way I'm just saying that was the way he was looking at his phone.

I play around with my toast ripping it into small pieces until it's all broken up and deformed . What's the actual point of eating it now . It will make me put on weight anyway . So instead of eating I push myself out of my seat and proceed to the bin . At this , for a split second , Axel looks at me and looks at the mound of broken bread on my plate then back at me .
" you should eat that you know . It is not good to not eat and it's not good to waste." He says in a monotone scrunching his eye brows.
The nerve he has to comment on my wellbeing.

"The last time I checked Axel you don't give two craps about my well-being so how about you shut the heck up" I said smiling sarcastically whilst throwing the contents into the bin.
" Layah who said I don't care about your wellbeing." He said once again scrunching his eyebrows.
"You're suffering from memory loss Axel , go check yourself out." I said bluntly.
"Yep Layah , I mean I would check myself out but I've got you to do it for me ." He said a huge smirk appearing on his face whilst his eyes widen .

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